FAKE Fic: Somewhere Warm

Mar 03, 2022 17:41

Title: Somewhere Warm
Fandom: FAKE
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Dee, Ryo.
Rating: PG
Setting: After Vol. 7
Summary: When a blizzard hits New York, Dee and Ryo go in search of somewhere warmer where they can wait it out.
Word Count: 1232
Written For: Theme Prompt: 125 - Come In From The Cold at fandomweekly.
Disclaimer: I don’t own FAKE, or the characters. They belong to the wonderful Sanami Matoh.

“Winter in New York’s not so bad,” Dee argued. “Some places have it a whole lot worse than we do. I guess bein’ on the coast helps. I saw on the news this mornin’ some places are gettin’ hit with ice storms, several inches of ice over everything, bringin’ down power lines so there’s whole towns with no electricity.”

Muffled up in a thick coat and warm woolly hat, Ryo nodded as he walked along the winter sidewalks beside his partner; both of them were sipping from paper cups of takeaway coffee, fuelling up for the task ahead of them.

“I saw that too. Snow I can handle, but that much ice would be seriously scary. I don’t know how anyone can be expected to cope with those kinds of conditions, but I guess they don’t have much choice.”

“Yeah, I feel bad for all those people. No light, no way to call for help once their phones run outta juice, maybe no heat and no way to cook, less they have a gas supply, and even then it could be risky if their vents get iced over. Carbon monoxide poisonin’ and all that…” He trailed off, shaking his head. “People die from that stuff, so you can count me out. At least when we lose power around here it usually gets fixed pretty quick, no waitin’ for weeks, tryin’ not to freeze to death, or starve, or whatever. I’m never gonna complain about New York winters again, just remind myself how lucky I am to be livin’ here.”

Ryo didn’t believe that for a moment; he knew his lover too well, and while New York might enjoy slightly milder winters than some parts of the northern United States, that didn’t mean living there through the winter months was a picnic, especially for anyone whose profession required them to be out on the streets in all weathers. Just because he and Dee were detectives rather than uniformed patrolmen didn’t mean they got to spend their entire shift each day in their cosy little office at the two-seven.

By afternoon, the temperature outside had plummeted, the clear skies of the morning were now hidden behind low clouds, and there was an icy wind gusting through the streets, tugging at Dee and Ryo’s clothes as they went from building to building trying to track down potential witnesses to a fatal shooting. They weren’t having much luck, and it got even worse when they came out of the last building on their list to be greeted by a swirling wall of white.

“Oh, that’s just frickin’ great!” Dee grumbled. “It couldn’t wait to start snowin’ ‘til we got back to the car? Now we gotta somehow find our way through this!” Visibility was down to barely more than a few feet.

Ryo threw an amused look his partner’s way. “Weren’t you the one this morning telling me you’d never complain about New York winters again? I seem to recall you saying they’re not so bad.” He picked his way carefully down the stoop to the sidewalk, where the fresh snow was already several inches deep.

“That’s only when we don’t haveta be out in it.” Digging a black woollen beanie out of his coat pocket, Dee put it on, tugging it down over his ears before shoving his hands into fleece-lined leather gloves.

Ryo already had his gloves on, and as he flipped the hood of his coat up over his hat, he looked up at his partner, still standing at the top of the steps. “Come on, Dee, what are you waiting for, spring? Or are you planning on standing there all day until you turn into a snowman? We should be heading back to the precinct before conditions get any worse.”

“Worse?” Dee sounded incredulous. “We can already barely see where we’re goin’ as it is! There’s no way we can drive in this!”

“You may be right, but we can’t stay here, and going back inside wouldn’t be much better.” The hallways of the rundown apartment building were unheated, and several windows were cracked or broken. All the buildings in the area they’d been canvassing were in a similar condition; they could duck into one to get out of the snow, but they wouldn’t be much warmer. “At least the car has a heater.”

“Assumin’ it still works and the car hasn’t already been buried under a snowdrift.” Dee made his way down the steps to join his partner on the sidewalk.

“Buried?” Ryo laughed. “The snow’s not that deep, Dee!”

“Might be by the time we get to the damn car, if we can even find it!" Dee hugged himself, hunching his shoulders as a blast of icy air hit him. “Damn, that wind’s freezin’!”

“Well you’re not going to get any warmer standing there. I’m going back to the car, with or without you.”

“Alright, I’m comin’!” Dee hustled after his lover through the falling snow; it was barely two-thirty, but it already seemed to be getting darker thanks to the heavy cloud and the swirling white flakes. It would be easy to lose sight of Ryo if he wasn’t careful.

He almost did anyway, because he glanced away from the bundled-up figure ahead of him, just for a moment while trying to get control of his scarf, which was flapping wildly in the wind, and when he looked again, Ryo was gone.

“Dee! Over here!”

Turning, Dee was just able to make out the blurry shape of his partner standing in front of a doorway, waving at him. He trudged over to join Ryo.

“What’re ya doin’? I thought we were makin’ for the car!”

“We were, but then I remembered passing this place earlier.” Ryo pushed the door open, and Dee followed him inside, accompanied by a gust of wind and a flurry of snowflakes.

The warmth that enveloped him as the door swung closed behind him almost took his breath away, and as he blinked the snowflakes from his eyelashes, he found himself in a small café. Ryo was already halfway to the counter, throwing his hood back and unfastening his coat as he went.

Tugging his hat off and shoving it back in his coat pocket, Dee followed, breathing in the smell of coffee and fried food. From feeling like he was going to freeze to death, suddenly he was almost too hot. The blocks of ice that were his toes started to ache as they warmed up.

“I ordered for you,” Ryo said as Dee joined him. “Coffee, and a toasted ham and cheese.”

“Sounds great. Thanks, bud.”

Making their way to an empty table against the wall to wait for their order, they stripped out of their coats, gloves, and scarves.

“Good thing you found this place!” Dee said as he tossed his coat onto an empty chair and sank into the one beside it. “Beats the hell outta sittin’ in the car with the engine runnin’, and not goin’ anywhere.”

“We’ll still have to get back to the precinct at some point. Let’s just hope the blizzard’s eased up enough by the time we finish eating so we can see where we’re going.”

“Ah, we can worry ‘bout that later.” Dee grinned, suddenly in a much better mood. “You know the best thing about cold weather? Gettin’ inside after bein’ out in it.”

The End

fic, fandomweekly, fake fic, ryo maclean, fic: one-shot, dee laytner, fake, fic: pg

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