FAKE Ficlet: Injured Again

Feb 24, 2022 17:44

Title: Injured Again
Fandom: FAKE
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Ryo, Dee.
Rating: PG
Setting: After the manga.
Summary: Winter can be a dangerous time to be out and about, with all manner of unexpected hazards.
Word Count: 680
Written Using: The dw100 prompt ‘Hospital’.
Disclaimer: I don’t own FAKE, or the characters. They belong to the wonderful Sanami Matoh.

“Hospital,” Ryo grumbled, sighing. “Again. I can’t help thinking we wind up here way more often than anyone else does. It’s like we’re jinxed or something. We should be getting a discount, season tickets or something.”

“Let’s get one thing perfectly clear: this was NOT our fault!” Dee wasn’t any happier than his partner about being stuck in the busy ER yet again. The place was beginning to seem as familiar to him as his own apartment. At least on this occasion they’d been shunted straight into a treatment room instead of having to sit around on hard chairs for several hours waiting to be seen, but that was small compensation for the annoyance of needing to be there at all.

The privileged treatment was down to them being cops, albeit plainclothes detectives, on duty and therefore armed. It was generally considered a bad idea to leave people carrying firearms crowded in with the general public, in case some criminal element might snatch one of their guns and start a shootout, putting everyone’s lives at risk.

Ryo frowned across at his partner. “I know it wasn’t our fault, but surprisingly enough, that doesn’t make me feel any better about being here yet again.” It was barely a month since his last visit, when he’d needed stitches after being slashed with a broken bottle, one of the many hazards of police work.

“I can think of plenty of places I’d rather be as well,” Dee said, attempting to shift into a more comfortable position, or at least a less uncomfortable one.

“I bet you can, and I can make a pretty good guess where, but we’re supposed to be working.”

“Yeah, you don’t gotta remind me. That’s what got us into this mess in the first place, in case you’ve forgotten.”

“Accidents can happen anywhere, and at any time. At least we weren’t being deliberately targeted.”

“Is that supposed to cheer me up?”

“Not really.” Ryo closed his eyes against the too bright hospital lighting. His head ached.

“Good, ‘cause it’s not workin’.”

All they’d been doing was canvassing door-to-door, trying to locate possible witnesses to an armed robbery that had been committed the night before; they should have been relatively safe, but as they’d been making their way along the sidewalk between one building and the next, a car coming down the street, being driven far too fast for the wintry conditions, had hit a patch of black ice, skidded, swerved up onto the sidewalk, and bowled them over like a pair of skittles. Dee had ended up half under the car, while Ryo had been swept off his feet and tossed aside, landing flat on his back several metres away. He’d hit the ground hard enough to be knocked out, but he didn’t think he was badly injured, just shaken up and bruised.

When a doctor finally arrived to check them over, it was quickly confirmed that Ryo had gotten away without a concussion or any other serious injuries, he just had a bump on the head and bruising where the car had struck him. More importantly from Ryo’s point of view, despite one wheel of the car having run over both his legs, it didn’t look like Dee had suffered any broken bones. Still, the doctor suggested they both take the rest of the day off work.

Dee slid carefully off the gurney, wincing as his own bruises made themselves felt. “Guess we were lucky this time, but I’m still gonna make sure that idiot gets charged with dangerous drivin’. He could’a killed us, speedin’ like that on an icy street.”

“With any luck he’ll lose his licence.” Ryo limped over to his partner. “Come on, better see if we can get a ride back to the precinct to give our statements.”

“Yeah, wonderful. By the time we get that done it’ll be the end of our shift anyway. So much for takin’ the rest of the day off. Even when we get injured, we still gotta fill out the paperwork.”

A cop’s work was just never done.

The End

fic, fake fic, ryo maclean, fic: one-shot, dee laytner, fake, ficlet, other character/s, fic: pg

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