Title: Red As Fire
Fandom: BtVS
badly_knittedCharacters: Willow, Tara.
Rating: PG
Spoilers/Setting: Set early in Season 6.
Summary: Willow draws Tara’s attention whenever she enters a room.
Written For: Challenge 357: Amnesty at
fan_flashworks, using Challenge 64: Red.
Disclaimer: I don’t own BtVS, or the characters.
A/N: Triple drabble.
Willow has such glorious hair, a rich, glossy red with a sheen like satin or silk. It makes her stand out in a crowd like a beacon, drawing Tara’s eyes irresistibly, so that she doesn’t hear what’s being said to her. There’s only Willow, a bright candle flame in the darkness that was Tara’s life until they met.
Tara loves everything about her girlfriend: her gentleness, her intelligence, her courage, spirit, determination, and power. Her beauty too, because she IS beautiful, even though she seems not to realise it. The red hair is her crowning glory though, in every respect, so much more striking than Tara’s own mousy blonde. Tara has always used her hair to hide behind, while Willow’s hair has always seemed a statement, unapologetic and certain, of who she is. It’s impossible to imagine Willow ever fading into the background the way Tara has spent her life doing. Willow is the most vibrantly alive person Tara has ever known, so sure of herself where Tara is full of doubts.
Just as it draws her eyes, Willow’s hair draws Tara’s fingers to it when they’re alone together, twining the coppery red strands through them, feeling the sleek texture, and watching the way the light strikes sparks from it, as if Willow might ignite the darkness simply by existing.
Tara is a moth drawn to a flame, and yet she’s not afraid because she knows she can trust Willow not to burn her. The song got it wrong; love doesn’t hurt. Love is gentle and kind, comforting and fulfilling. She warms herself on her love’s flame, feels the heat fill her to bursting point, and it’s like fireworks, and bonfire sparks, flowers busting into bloom, and soft spring rain, waterfalls, and rainbows.
Willow will burn in Tara’s heart forever.
The End