FAKE Fic: Game Night

Feb 17, 2022 17:47

Title: Game Night
Fandom: FAKE
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Dee, Ryo, JJ, Drake, Ted, Marty, Jim.
Rating: PG
Setting: After Like Like Love.
Summary: Now that Ryo has moved in with him, Dee thinks they should have their friends over for a sort of housewarming party.
Word Count: 1189
Written For: Theme Prompt: 109 - Friends' Night at fandomweekly.
Disclaimer: I don’t own FAKE, or the characters. They belong to the wonderful Sanami Matoh.

“Y’know what we should do now?” Dee said, standing back to look at the overall result now that the furniture they were keeping from Ryo’s old apartment had been in place. “We should throw a housewarmin’ party! Invite all the guys over.”

Ryo was puzzled. “Why? I mean, this is your apartment, always has been. Everyone’s been here dozens of times.”

“They’ve been to the old place, yeah, but that was only half the size. Now we’ve got the entire top floor it looks nothin’ like it used to. It’s been completely rearranged, like it’s a whole new apartment,” Dee argued.

“You just want to show off your handiwork.” Ryo’s smile showed he was only joking.

Dee laughed. “Yeah, you got me, but so what if I do? I’m pretty damn proud of what I’ve done. I put in a lot of effort to get this place lookin’ the way it does; so did you, come to that. It’s not just my handiwork.”

“I only helped with the decorating and arranging the furniture; you did most of the construction stuff.” Ryo wasn’t about to take credit he wasn’t due.

“I did the destruction part too.” Dee grinned, remembering the satisfaction he’d gotten from that stage of the renovations. “Knockin’ down the connectin’ wall was very therapeutic.”

“I’ll bet.” Ryo laughed. “Beats the punching bags at the gym.”

“Damn straight!” Dee sauntered over towards his lover. “C’mon, babe, don’t ya wanna celebrate movin’ into our new home? You gotta admit it’s a pretty big deal.”

Ryo nodded; Dee was right. “Okay, if you want a housewarming party, we’ll have one. We could have it at the weekend, invite our friends over to watch the game.” He frowned in thought. “We’ll have to feed everybody of course, a party implies food, so what d’you think I should cook?”

Dee raised an incredulous eyebrow. “Cook? Who said anything about cookin’? All we’re gonna need to keep the guys happy is pizza and beer. If we’re combinin’ game night with our housewarmin’, they won’t be expectin’ a sit-down meal. Hell, we play our cards right, maybe we can get them to bring the food and booze. All we’ll haveta do is provide somewhere to sit, and our new TV.”

The massive flatscreen was the focal point of the lounge area, and had been Dee’s idea, although Ryo hadn’t argued; with both of them sharing the rent and other bills they could afford a few extravagances. They’d moved the smaller TV into their bedroom, so they could watch when they were in bed if they wanted to.

“You expect our guests to bring the refreshments? You’re such a cheapskate,” Ryo teased.

“Hey, housewarmin’ gifts are traditional, and since we don’t need anything for the apartment, food is an acceptable substitute. ‘Sides, gettin’ this place lookin’ so good took money as well as time and effort.”

“I know; I paid my share.”

“Never said ya didn’t. So, we on? Saturday night, pizza and beer, maybe chips and dip if you wanna get fancy.”

“Sounds good to me.”

Saturday night soon rolled around, and the guests started arriving. Ted and Marty, Drake and JJ, Jim showing up last of all, just as the pre-game show was starting. He’d been held up at the lab, waiting on important test results for one of the detectives on second shift. Everyone was impressed with the new look to Dee’s apartment.

“Man, you’re so lucky!” Drake sighed enviously. “This place is enormous! Even before, it made my apartment look like a shoebox, but now… It’s gotta be almost as big as JJ’s penthouse!”

“Hardly,” JJ said. “It’s less than half the size. It does look really great though,” he added quickly, not wanting Dee to think he didn’t like it.

“What d’ya need so much space for though?” Ted asked. “I mean yeah, it’s great, but it’s gonna cost ya.”

“Not just me here anymore,” Dee pointed out. “Now that Bikky’s off at college, Ryo was rattlin’ around his old place. I had the chance to expand my apartment into next door…”

“So I moved in,” Ryo finished. “It just made sense. Why pay rent on two places when I’d be here most of the time anyway?”

“You two are living together?” JJ didn’t look as surprised as Dee had thought he would.

“Yeah. What of it?” He stared the smaller man down.

JJ smiled a little wistfully. “Well, I hope you’ll both be very happy. You deserve to be.”

“That’s somethin’ I never thought I’d hear you say. Are ya feelin’ alright?” Thanks to JJ’s obsessive and unrequited crush, Dee had been fighting him off practically since the day they’d met.

“No, not really, but I will be.” JJ shrugged. “Come on, the game’s about to start. Let’s watch. Is there any beer?”

“All the beer we can drink,” Dee assured everyone. “Or wine if you’d prefer, and Ryo ordered pizza. Should be here soon, but in the meantime there’s chips and dip, and veggie sticks for Jim.”

“I baked cookies for later,” Ryo added.

“Yay!” That was from Drake. “You bake the best cookies.” Ryo had brought homemade cookies to work often enough that everybody had sampled them on several occasions.

“Hope ya hid some away,” Dee whispered to his lover as their friends helped themselves to beer and got settled in front of the TV. “Otherwise there’ll be none left for us. It’s like feedin’ a horde of ravenous locusts; they’ll eat anything that’s not nailed down.”

“Bikky and his friends were worse. Don’t worry, I stashed a box of cookies somewhere the starving horde won’t find them, and I can always make more.” As the doorbell rang to announce the arrival of the pizzas, Ryo went to pay, and Dee headed for the kitchen to grab a couple of beers for himself and his partner.

“How big is the screen?” Jim asked, munching on a carrot stick. “Forty inch?”

“Fifty. Whaddaya think?”

“I think I want one, but I’d have to rob a bank to get it.”

“And then the rest of us would haveta arrest ya,” Ted quipped. “Bad idea to talk about committin’ criminal acts around a bunch of detectives.”

“Asshole! I didn’t say I was going to, just that I’d never afford a TV like Dee’s any other way.”

“It was on sale, less than half price, otherwise I couldn’t have afforded it either,” Dee admitted. “Plus, Ryo paid half.”

“It’s something we can both enjoy.” Ryo joined them carrying a stack of pizza boxes, which he passed around. “I got a veggie one for Jim. Help yourselves; plates are on the coffee table. Do we need more Tortilla chips?”

Dee snagged a pizza and tugged Ryo down onto the sofa beside him. “Relax, ya don’t gotta wait on ‘em hand and foot!”

“I’m just trying to be a good host.”

“You’ve done more than enough already. C’mon, let’s watch the game.”

As he and Dee settled comfortably on one of the sofas, surrounded by their friends, Ryo relaxed. It might not be a traditional housewarming party, but it suited them just fine.

The End

fic, fandomweekly, fake fic, ted o'neill, jim campbell, ryo maclean, jj adams, fic: one-shot, dee laytner, other character/s, fake, drake parker, fic: pg

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