FAKE Ficlet: Keeping In Shape

Feb 11, 2022 17:43

Title: Keeping In Shape
Fandom: FAKE
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Ryo, Dee.
Rating: PG
Setting: After Vol. 7.
Summary: Ryo’s work-out session is unexpectedly interrupted.
Word Count: 500
Written For: Prompt 650: Flexible at slashthedrabble.
Disclaimer: I don’t own FAKE, or the characters. They belong to the wonderful Sanami Matoh.

Dating Dee had changed Ryo’s life in some very unexpected ways. It wasn’t simply that he now had a boyfriend and a sex life, it wasn’t even that he was now spending even more time with his partner than he had before. He’d always enjoyed having Dee around; if he hadn’t, they never would have grown as close as they had. It was difficult to put into words exactly what HAD changed, but…

Well, take today for example. He and Dee had been scheduled to work the previous weekend. There had to be cops on duty at all times. Nobody got every weekend off, although those who worked Saturday and Sunday usually got a couple of days off during the week, unless the precinct was really short-handed. So, as today was a Wednesday during term time, and Bikky had already left for school, Ryo had decided to make good use of the empty apartment to fit in some karate practice.

Between work, his foster son, and his new relationship, he hadn’t had much time recently for working out. Used to be, pre-Bikky, he’d trained every day, but since his promotion to detective, and becoming a single father, that had dropped to two or, if he was really lucky, three times a week.

Over the last three months, he’d managed to fit training sessions into his increasingly busy schedule a mere four times, which was pathetic. How did he expect to keep himself fit and flexible, and his reflexes honed, if he got no exercise beyond chasing suspects and whatever he and Dee got up to in bed? They’d been dancing a few times, but that hardly counted.

So he’d pushed the sofa against the wall, moved the coffee table out of the way, changed into his karate uniform, and started with some Tai Chi to limber up before moving through some of the simpler karate kata. He was so out of practice he’d need to build back up to the more strenuous moves or he could risk injuring himself.

He was so completely focussed on his movements that he never heard the door open and wasn’t aware he was no longer alone until a deep voice spoke behind him.

“Mmmm, bendy!”

With a startled yelp he spun around, lashing out with one foot, and just barely managing to pull back before his kick could send the intruder sailing across the room.

“Dee! What’re you doing here?”

Even before they’d become lovers, he and Dee had given each other keys to their apartments in case of emergencies, but Dee usually called before coming over…

“We’ve got the day off; thought I’d see if you were busy. Guess y’are.”

“I’ve been slacking off on my training lately. If I’m not careful it’ll affect my flexibility.”

“You seem plenty flexible to me.” Dee was practically leering. “You bend in VERY interesting ways.”

“You would say that, but this is about self-defence, not… other stuff.”

“How ‘bout we train together? More fun with two.”

The End

fic, fake fic, slashthedrabble, ryo maclean, fic: one-shot, dee laytner, ficlet, fake, fic: pg

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