Title: Exercise Regime
badly_knittedCharacters: Ianto, Jack.
Rating: G
Written For: Challenge 695: Haul at
Spoilers: Nada.
Summary: Ianto is indignant over his sister’s suggestion.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Torchwood, or the characters.
A/N: Double drabble.
“Rhiannon told me she’s decided to join a gym to get in shape,” Ianto commented to Jack as they hauled a massive bull Weevil into the rear compartment of the SUV. “Then she had the nerve to suggest I should do the same. She said these days people don’t get enough exercise. According to her, everyone spends too much time sitting around at work or playing computer games at home.”
Ianto had been babysitting his nephew and niece the previous evening and had thoroughly enjoyed the chance to spend a whole evening sitting on the sofa playing computer games.
“I can picture you in a pair of those tiny gym shorts, lifting weights.” Jack leered at his lover across the Weevil.
“I bet you can, but you’re missing the point, as usual.”
“So what is the point?”
“She thinks I should exercise more to keep fit! To hear her speak, anyone would think I was overweight, or some skinny ninety-pound weakling!”
“Take it from me, you’re neither.” Jack swept his gaze over Ianto’s lean, muscular frame.
“Try telling her that! Weevil hunting keeps me in great shape, what with all the running and heavy lifting. Who needs a gym membership?”
The End