FAKE Ficlet: Love Isn't Blind

Jan 13, 2022 17:18

Title: Love Isn't Blind
Fandom: FAKE
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Dee, Ryo.
Rating: PG
Setting: After Vol. 7.
Summary: Although Dee loves Ryo, he isn’t blind to his faults; they just don’t affect the way he feels.
Word Count: 500
Written For: Challenge 222: Blind at anythingdrabble.
Disclaimer: I don’t own FAKE, or the characters.

Love is blind, or so the saying goes. Dee has often wondered whether it’s true, and he’s finally come to the conclusion it’s not, because it implies that people in love are blind to their partner’s faults, bad habits, whatever, which would be kinda delusional, and probably unhealthy.

Take him for example. He’s head over heals for one Randy ‘Ryo’ Maclean, but is Ryo perfect in every way? No. As much as Dee loves his partner, he’d be the first to admit that along with his many fine qualities, Ryo has some less appealing personality traits.

It’s not Ryo’s fault; nobody should be expected to be perfect all the time, and Dee’s fully aware he has more than his own share of faults, despite all Mother’s efforts at raising him to be an outstanding pillar of the community. In his youth he committed more petty thefts than he can remember, skipped classes, got into fights, and was handy with spray paints. These days he smokes, or did until recently, drinks too much, cusses, tends towards laziness, and yeah, he can be a moody bastard. Hey, at least he’s honest.

Dee suspects Ryo was better behaved as a kid, never skipping school, always doing his homework, keeping out of trouble… He was probably near the top of his class, at least until his parents were murdered, at which point nobody could have blamed him if he went off the rails a bit. Seems unlikely though. So, he was basically a good kid who grew into a kind, caring, compassionate adult, but not one without faults.

He’s an airhead, for one, which can be annoying at times, when he forgets something important, but is mostly kinda cute. Dee often has to battle the urge to kiss the baffled, confused expression off his lover’s face. Ryo has a temper too; he’s slower to anger than Dee, whose temper is on a bit of a hair-trigger, but he burns hotter, stays mad longer, and holds on to grudges forever!

Unlike Dee, who’s always ready to clock off at the end of shift, Ryo is a workaholic with an obsessive streak a mile wide. Sometimes Dee has to physically drag him away from his desk to keep him from working hours of unpaid overtime. Sure, Dee wants to solve the cases on their desks as much as his partner does, but Ryo driving himself to the point of collapse won’t do either of them any good.

On top of all that, Ryo’s a neat freak, always has to have things just so. His desk at the precinct is always tidy, so is his apartment, while Dee’s has a more lived-in look. He even sits neatly, and he still has a host of hang-ups, especially when it comes to intimacy.

So Ryo isn’t perfect, and love isn’t blind; Dee can see all of his partner’s faults clearly. But none of them matter, because loving someone means accepting everything about them, just as Ryo does for him.

The End

anythingdrabble, fic, fake fic, ryo maclean, fic: one-shot, dee laytner, ficlet, fake, fic: pg

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