FAKE Ficlet: Lessons In Life And Love

Jan 07, 2022 17:26

Title: Lessons In Life And Love
Fandom: FAKE
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Dee, Ryo.
Rating: PG-13
Setting: After Vol. 7.
Summary: Dee and Ryo have already learned a lot from each other; now it’s Dee’s turn to be teacher again.
Word Count: 500
Written For: Prompt 645: Lessons at slashthedrabble.
Disclaimer: I don’t own FAKE, or the characters. They belong to the wonderful Sanami Matoh.

In the beginning, pretty much everything had revolved around Dee teaching his new partner the ins and outs of being a detective. Ryo was an experienced police officer and he’d achieved high grades in his exam, but as a detective he’d still had a lot to learn.

Somewhere along the way, however, Dee had found himself learning a few lessons of his own, mostly along the lines of the kind of person he wanted to be. He was already a skilled detective, an honest cop, dedicated to upholding the law, and Mother had raised him to be a good man, but he was far from perfect. He knew he could do better if he just followed his partner’s example. Ryo was kind, caring, and compassionate, and okay, he could be kind of an airhead, but Dee found that oddly endearing.

Ryo was skilled at martial arts too, and once Dee found that out, he was determined to persuade his partner to teach him. It took a while, but eventually Ryo agreed to give Dee lessons. He would likely never match his partner’s skill, since Ryo had started learning at an early age, but as a cop who sometimes worked undercover assignments, he’d try anything that would improve his ability to defend himself and others.

Somewhere along the way, Ryo had also started giving him cooking lessons., teaching him to prepare quick and tasty meals for himself, so he didn’t have to rely so much on takeout, or frozen TV dinners.

He and Ryo had come a long way from those early days, getting to know each other as work colleagues. Over the last couple of years they’d both learned a lot, quickly becoming close friends, and as time had passed their relationship had developed into something much deeper.

In a way they’ve come full circle, because once again Dee is the teacher, and Ryo is the willing, if frequently embarrassed, student. Of all the lessons he and Ryo have taught one another, and the lessons they’ve each learned, there’s no doubt in Dee’s mind that these will be the most enjoyable. After so many months of trying to win Ryo’s heart, he finally gets to give his partner lessons in the art of love.

“I don’t know what to do, Dee!”

“That’s okay, ‘cause I’m gonna teach you everything you need to know. Trust me, it’s gonna be fun. And just so you know, you don’t haveta do anything you don’t wanna do. I’m not gonna force you, never would, but I am gonna encourage you to try a lot of different stuff. Anything you don’t like, just say so; I want you to enjoy what we do together. Sex is about givin’ and receivin’ pleasure; it’s gotta feel good for both of us, otherwise it doesn’t work.”

Ryo gnawed on his bottom lip; they’d had sex twice, but so far Dee had been doing all the work. “Show me how to make you feel good?”

Dee grinned. “With pleasure!”

The End

fic, fake fic, fic: pg-13, ryo maclean, fic: one-shot, dee laytner, ficlet, fake

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