BtVS Triple Drabble: Always Prepared

Jan 05, 2022 17:21

Title: Always Prepared
Fandom: BtVS
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Buffy.
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Set sometime during Season 3.
Summary: Buffy can improvise weaponry whenever she needs to, but for vampire slaying, nothing’s better than a sturdy stake.
Written For: Challenge 357: Amnesty at fan_flashworks, using Challenge 258: Point.
Disclaimer: I don’t own BtVS, or the characters.
A/N: Triple drabble.

Stakes are the traditional weapon of choice for killing vampires, a nice, sturdy piece of wood sharpened to a point and stabbed into the vampire’s cold, dead, unbeating heart. Works like a charm every time. Stab and poof, from undead creature of the night to cloud of dust in one simple step. It’s practically foolproof as long as you know enough about human anatomy to hit your target first try, which Buffy hadn’t first time out, but hey, even a Slayer’s gotta learn her trade.

It doesn’t have to be a traditional stake, of course; any sharp piece wood that’s both long enough and strong enough to be driven through a vampire’s chest and into its heart will do the job just as well. Pencils, chopsticks, dead branches, broken broom handles, chair legs, arrows, crossbow bolts, drumsticks, pool cues, even the pointy bits of picket fences… a Slayer has to be ready to improvise at a moment’s notice. If you drop your stake in the middle of a fight, you’d better be ready, willing, and able to grab something else and turn it to your advantage.

Buffy still prefers stakes though, especially ones that have been whittled to a really sharp point. They provide a more secure grip than the smaller items, and their finely honed tips cut through a vampire’s clothing and the flesh beneath with less effort, pushing the ribs aside to reach their goal. One quick plunge and it’s over.

A Slayer can’t have too many stakes. Sometimes they get dropped or broken, once in a while one might explode into dust along with the vampire, although that only happens if Buffy loses her grip. Still, it’s sensible to have spares, just in case.

Sitting on her back porch, Buffy sharpens another stake. Slayers are always prepared.

The End

fic, buffy fic, buffy summers, btvs, fan_flashworks, drabble, fic: pg

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