Title: Old-Fashioned Entertainment
Fandom: FAKE
badly_knittedCharacters: Bikky, Ryo, Dee.
Rating: PG
Setting: After the manga.
Summary: It’s Christmas Day and the power’s gone out, much to Bikky’s disgust.
Written For: Challenge 321: Amnesty at
fan_flashworks, using Challenge 44: Games.
Disclaimer: I don’t own FAKE, or the characters. They belong to the wonderful Sanami Matoh.
A/N: Quadruple drabble.
“Some Christmas!” Bikky complained. “This sucks!” Halfway through the afternoon, the bad weather must have taken out a transformer or something because the power had cut out. Bikky had been in the middle of playing a new game Ryo had given him when everything, his game console, the TV, even the lights, had just gone off, leaving them in semi-darkness.
“At least we already had dinner so that wasn’t ruined,” Ryo replied, determinedly looking on the bright side as he lit candles and set them out around the living room. Because of the heavy snow that was still falling it would be hard to see much of anything without some kind of light, and the flickering candle flames leant a cheery, festive glow to the apartment. “We’re still better off than a lot of people; we’re safe and warm.”
“Yeah, but I was playing my new game, and I was doing really well!”
Bikky had already suffered one disappointment; the weather outside was so hazardous that people were being advised to stay home. It had meant that Carol had called to say she and her aunt wouldn’t be able to come over for dinner. Instead it was just Bikky, Ryo, and Dee, who’d already been there having come home with Ryo the previous evening.
“Lighten up, kid; not bein’ able to play your game for a few hours is hardly the end of the world. You don’t hear me complainin’.” Dee had been enjoying the football game on TV.
“But there’s nothing to do now!” Just because Bikky was fourteen didn’t mean he couldn’t still whine like a little kid.
“Sure there is.” Ryo re-joined his lover and foster son, carrying a stack of boxes. “We’ll just have to entertain ourselves the old-fashioned way until the power comes back on.”
“Board games?” Bikky didn’t sound impressed, but Dee was a lot more enthusiastic.
“Alright! Now this brings back memories!” He started clearing everything off the coffee table, taking the last few dishes to the kitchen and stacking opened gifts out of the way. “We used to play board games every Christmas at the orphanage. It was brilliant!”
“You didn’t play computer games?”
“No such thing when I was a kid, and Mother couldn’t have afforded them anyway.”
“Wow! That must’ve sucked.”
Dee shrugged. “Can’t miss what you’ve never had.” He grinned up at Ryo. “So what’re we gonna play first?”
The End