Title: Rude Awakening
Fandom: FAKE
badly_knittedCharacters: Dee, Ryo.
Rating: PG
Setting: After Like Like Love.
Summary: On their way home from Christmas shopping, Ryo gets a fright.
Written Using: The tw100 prompt ‘Vibrate’.
Disclaimer: I don’t own FAKE, or the characters. They belong to the wonderful Sanami Matoh.
A/N: Double drabble.
It was good to finally sit down and relax; Christmas shopping was exhausting.
“Man, my feet are killin’ me!” Dee groaned, slumping into the backseat of the taxi. “Feels like we’ve been walkin’ for miles.”
“I think we have,” Ryo mumbled, yawning. After traipsing around the shops for hours out in the cold, the warmth inside the taxi was making him feel sleepy.
“Yeah, probably, but it’s hardly our fault we had to do all our shoppin’ in one go.” Between working overtime and helping Mother with emergency repairs at the orphanage, this had been their first opportunity to go in search of gifts for their loved ones, and with less than two weeks to go, it was unlikely they’d get another chance. As always at this time of year, colds and flu were rife, and the ranks of the NYPD were being decimated. “Still, the overtime pay’s comin’ in handy.”
“Mm.” Eyes closed, Ryo was already half asleep. There was no reason he couldn’t take a nap if he wanted, since the drive back to their apartment would take at least half an hour in the Christmas traffic.
Dee draped an arm around his lover’s shoulders, and Ryo leaned against him with a contented sigh. Silence fell in the taxi and Dee was almost drifting off himself when Ryo sat up straight with a yelp and started squirming around.
“Ryo? You okay, babe?”
Flushed with exertion, Ryo finally managed to extract his phone from his pants pocket, beneath his coat, where the warmth kept the battery from running down so fast.
“I put my phone on vibrate earlier because I knew I’d never hear it over all the Christmas music,” he told his partner sheepishly as he answered a text from Bikky. “Almost scared the life out of me!”
The End