FAKE Ficlet: Santa's Helpers

Dec 06, 2021 17:25

Title: Santa's Helpers
Fandom: FAKE
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Dee, Ryo, Chief Smith.
Rating: PG
Setting: After Vol. 7.
Summary: Dee and Ryo have come up with a plan to bring Christmas joy to the kids at Mother Lane’s orphanage.
Word Count: 629
Written For: Challenge 354: Letter at fan_flashworks.
Disclaimer: I don’t own FAKE, or the characters. They belong to the wonderful Sanami Matoh

“I got ‘em!” Dee called out, breezing into the squad room towards the end of November, waving something in one hand.

Ryo looked up from his computer. “Great! Give them here, I should just have time to get everything typed up and printed out before our shift starts.”

Dropping into his seat, Dee handed across the bundle of envelopes, twenty-three letters to Santa, written by the kids at Mother Lane’s orphanage. Even the oldest teenagers, the ones who had long since accepted that Santa Claus was a myth, had been encouraged to make a list of things they’d like to receive for Christmas. It wouldn’t do for anyone to be left out.

Opening the first letter, Ryo set to work, typing up the requests, along with color preferences where applicable, and the age of the recipient. He worked quickly, occasionally asking Dee to translate childish handwriting, and in less than twenty minutes he was printing out the list, which he took downstairs to put up on the precinct’s main notice board. Anyone who wanted to get something for one of the kids could fill in their name beside the gift they intended to buy. Once purchased, the gifts were to be delivered to Chief Smith’s office for safekeeping, where Dee and Ryo would wrap and label them ready for delivery.

Meanwhile, Dee sent out a precinct-wide email to let everyone know the Christmas list was up.

The aim was to make sure that every kid under Mother Lane’s care would have something to open on Christmas morning, despite many of them not having any living relatives. Mother did her best, but money was tight all year round, and it was difficult enough to make sure every child got a gift and a cake on their birthday. Providing for so many at Christmas would have been impossible without help.

“This is a good thing you’re doing, Latyner,” The Chief said gruffly, coming out of his office after receiving the email, and leaning over Ryo’s computer to read the list that was still up on the screen.

Dee shrugged. “No kid should go without on Christmas, especially the orphans. They’ve got little enough to start with. They deserve to know they haven’t been forgotten.”

The Chief huffed agreement. “Think I’ll have a word with some of the other precinct captains, see how they’d feel about adopting one of New York’s other orphanages and running a similar scheme.”

“That would be great. There’s a lot of kids could benefit, even if they didn’t want to do the whole Santa letter bit and just raised money that could go towards buyin’ gifts.”

“Hm. There’s an idea; anyone who can’t afford to buy a gift could put a dollar in the kitty to go towards whichever gifts aren’t claimed.” Warren Smith frowned. “In fact, think I’ll go add that to the bottom of Randy’s list. That way anyone wants to can contribute, even if money’s a bit tight. Donations to be passed to you, Randy, or myself. Anything left over once all the gifts are bought can go towards Christmas dinner or something.” He walked away, heading for the stairs.

With a satisfied smile, Dee leaned back in his seat. No doubt the Chief would put his name down for at least one gift, probably two or three, setting a good example for the men and women under his command. Looked like Santa was going to be extra busy this year, good thing he was getting some extra help. There were going to be a lot of very happy young faces around the orphanage’s tree come Christmas morning, and Dee intended to be there with his camera to capture the excitement. Everyone who donated deserved the chance to see the joy their generosity brought.

The End

fic, fake fic, ryo maclean, chief smith, fic: one-shot, dee laytner, ficlet, fake, fan_flashworks, fic: pg

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