Title: Fuelled By Coffee
badly_knitted Characters: Jack, mentions Ianto and team
Rating: G
Written For: Challenge 310 - Caffeine at
tw100 Spoilers: Nada.
Summary: The whole of Torchwood seems to be addicted to coffee.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Torchwood, or the characters.
It was fair to say that Torchwood Three was fuelled by coffee.
It hadn’t always been that way; pre-Ianto, tea had been Torchwood’s beverage of choice. Jack had always preferred coffee though, even when he’d had to buy it from a nearby coffee shop in order to get a decent cup.
Things were different now. It was entirely possible that without caffeine the entire operation would just grind to a halt. It wasn’t only the team who were hopelessly addicted either.
Jack watched Ianto leave coffee on everyone’s desk then head for the hothouse.
Even the alien plants craved caffeine.
The End