FAKE Fic: Fender-Bender

Aug 16, 2021 18:42

Title: Fender-Bender
Fandom: FAKE
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Ryo, Dee, OC.
Rating: PG-13
Setting: After the manga.
Summary: All Ryo did was stop at an intersection, but then another car tried to drive right up his exhaust…
Word Count: 938
Written For: Challenge 335: Crash at fan_flashworks.
Disclaimer: I don’t own FAKE, or the characters. They belong to the wonderful Sanami Matoh.

Ryo sat there in a state of shocked disbelief, trying to get his head around what had just occurred. This sort of thing simply didn’t happen; not to him, not after all his police training. And yet, it had.

“I can’t believe I crashed! I’ve been driving since I was sixteen and I’ve never been involved in an accident!”

Neither had Dee, but he wasn’t the one behind the wheel, so he was perhaps a little less shaken by the unexpected turn of events.

“Don’t sweat it, babe. Technically you didn’t; it was the jerk behind who crashed into us. Thought he was ridin’ our tailpipe a little too close for comfort.” Which wasn’t that unusual in New York, especially at rush hour, with everyone eager to get wherever they were going, and getting impatient with the other traffic slowing them down.

The impact had propelled the two detectives’ unmarked sedan forward several feet, but thankfully not far enough for the vehicle to impede cross-traffic at the intersection, so they weren’t in any immediate danger.

“Whelp, no good just sittin’ here. We better assess the damage and have a few choice words with the dumbass drivin’ the other car.” Dee unclipped his seatbelt and opened the passenger door, sliding out and making his way around the hood. Further back in the now stationary queue, horns were blaring, but everyone would just have to wait for the moment, or manoeuvre around the accident if they were in that much of a rush.

Taking a deep breath to calm himself, Ryo shut off the engine, took the keys from the ignition, and got out, locking the car up tight behind him, as a precaution against opportunistic thieves. It might be a police vehicle rather than his own car, but that didn’t make him any less responsible for its contents. If anything got stolen, the cost of replacements would no doubt be docked from his wages.

The other driver was already out of his car by the time Ryo joined Dee, and was glaring angrily at the two men.

“Look what you made me do! What the fuck d’you morons think you’re playin’ at, slammin’ your brakes on like that?” His voice sounded a little slurred.

Dee raised an eyebrow. “We didn’t.” Ryo was an excellent driver and had slowed smoothly to a halt. “It’s called stoppin’ at a red light. You might wanna try it.”

That just made the man even more belligerent. “Think you’re funny, do ya? Well I’m not laughin’, and you won’t be either when I’m done with ya!”

He gestured at the front of his car, jammed up against the rear of Dee and Ryo’s. The radiator grille looked like it was coming adrift, and the hood had popped slightly open from the impact. The trunk of the unmarked sedan was also dented.

“Look what you’ve done to my car!” It was a late model Audi. “You’re gonna pay for this! In fact I’m gonna sue your asses for every cent you’ve got! Thanks to your damned stupidity you’ve probably given me whiplash. You’re gonna be payin’ off my medical bills forever!”

Dee didn’t rise to the bait. “I very much doubt that. You rammed us, not the other way around, and have you been drinkin’?”

“What’s that to you?”

“Well, ya sound a little slurred there, is all.” Dee got right up in the other guy’s face and sniffed. “Yep, definitely got alcohol on his breath, and I’m not talkin’ about a beer or two. He’s been at the hard stuff,” he said to Ryo over his shoulder. “Good thing we were ahead of him, otherwise he probably would’ve run the red light and caused a pile-up. As it is, it’s just a minor fender-bender, no serious damage done.”

“No serious damage? Screw that! D’ya know how much this car cost me? I just had it serviced!” The drunk driver went to shove Dee, stumbling and almost falling over when Dee took a couple of steps back.

“Driving while under the influence, that’s a big no-no,” Dee chided. “And so early in the evenin’ too.” He was enjoying himself.

“Fuck you! Who d’you think you are anyway, the cops?”

“Yep.” Dee grinned wolfishly, holding up his badge. “That would be us, and you’re under arrest.”

“No way!” The idiot actually took a swing at Dee, who sidestepped, grabbed his wrist, and slammed him face down over the hood of his own car. “Oh look, now we’ve got ya on assaultin’ a police officer and resistin’ arrest too.”

While Dee cuffed the drunk and read him his rights, Ryo ducked back into their car and got on the radio, calling for a tow truck and some traffic cops to sort out the jam caused by the accident. It didn’t take long for two uniformed officers on motorcycles to arrive on scene, and while waiting for more help to reach them they held up cross-traffic just long enough for Dee and Ryo, with the drunk now installed in the backseat of their sedan and cursing loudly, to cross the intersection and continue on their way back to the two-seven. With any luck, their reluctant passenger would lose his licence after this stunt, in which case he wouldn’t be needing his shiny car anymore.

Dee grinned across at his partner, who was behind the wheel again. “Instant karma, don’t ya just love it? Bozo back there’s gonna get exactly what’s comin’ to him. It couldn’t happen to a more deservin’ guy. Better yet, you still got a spotless drivin’ record.”

Ryo just smiled; he couldn’t argue with that!

The End

fic, fake fic, fic: pg-13, ryo maclean, fic: one-shot, dee laytner, other character/s, fake, fan_flashworks

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