Title: New Assignment
Fandom: FAKE
badly_knittedCharacters: Dee, Ryo
Rating: PG
Setting: After Vol. 7.
Summary: Dee and Ryo have a new undercover assignment at a school.
Written For: Challenge 327: Amnesty at
fan_flashworks, using Challenge 26: School.
Disclaimer: I don’t own FAKE, or the characters. They belong to the wonderful Sanami Matoh.
A/N: Triple drabble.
“How’d we get lumbered with this assignment?” Dee grumbled as he and Ryo walked through the main school entrance, side-by-side, ready for their first day.
Ryo looked askance at his partner. “Didn’t you volunteer? That’s what the Chief told me, so I thought I’d join you.”
“What? He told me YOU volunteered! Damn him to hell; we’ve been played!”
“Dee! Mind your language!” Ryo glanced at the kids milling around their school lockers.
“Why? Most of ‘em probably use worse language than I do.”
“That’s not the point; we’re supposed to set a good example.”
“For all the good that’ll do.”
“Don’t talk like that. These kids are already disadvantaged because of where they live. They deserve better.”
The school was in one of the poorer neighborhoods and saw more than its share of violence, but that wasn’t why Dee and Ryo were here; they were undercover as teachers to identify and apprehend the person or persons selling drugs to the kids. There’d been three drug-related deaths in the last two weeks, and another kid was in hospital in a coma after overdosing.
“Yeah, you’re right. Whelp, better check in with the Principal and then get to class.”
Dee would be teaching art and a remedial math class, while Ryo taught English language and literature. Between them, they should interact with most of the school’s students.
“Let’s see if we can leave this school better than we found it,” Ryo said quietly, for Dee’s ears only.
Just because they were after drug dealers didn’t mean they shouldn’t do their best to instil in the kids they taught a desire to learn, and to better themselves. Ryo had learned first-hand with Bikky that sometimes all kids needed was for someone to believe in them and point them in the right direction.
The End