FAKE Ficlet: Important Questions

Jul 01, 2021 17:39

Title: Important Questions
Fandom: FAKE
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Ryo, Bikky.
Rating: PG
Setting: Vol. 1.
Summary: Bikky has questions, and his foster father, being a cop, is the best person to ask.
Word Count: 500
Written For: Challenge 195: Destroy at anythingdrabble.
Disclaimer: I don’t own FAKE, or the characters.

Bikky looked up from his homework, a thoughtful frown on his face. “Ryo?”

“Hm?” Lowering his book, Ryo peered over the tops of his reading glasses.

“Can I ask you a question?”

“Of course.” Setting his book aside and removing his glasses, Ryo gave his young foster son his full attention.

“What happens to all the guns and knives and stuff you take off the bad guys? My friend Eric says the cops have to keep them forever, but I don’t see how you could do that. I mean there’s got to be hundreds of them. You’d run out of space. Bobby thinks they probably get sold off to raise money for the police, but that doesn’t seem right either, because criminals might get hold of them again and hurt someone else with them. I thought you’d probably know since you’re a cop.”

“How did this topic of conversation come up?” Bikky and his friends were only ten, a bit young to be thinking of such things.

“Some guy who lives in Eric’s building got busted for having a ton of guns in his apartment. I think he threatened the super with one or something. The cops convi… confo… took them off him and said he can’t have them back, so what happens to them now?”

“Well, if he’s charged with a crime, any of the weapons involved in that crime will be held as evidence until after the trial. That’s the same with any crime; all evidence, no matter what it is, has to be kept in case it’s needed during the trial. Afterwards, stolen property gets returned to the owner, and in most cases, everything else is destroyed. Some things might be kept longer, depending on the crime, especially if it hasn’t been solved, but like you said, space is limited.”

“But what about the guns?”

“They get destroyed too. They’re taken away, melted down, and the metal recycled to make other things.”

“Cool, that means no one can use them again for anything bad!”


“The guns that killed my dad, the ones that drug dealer and his men used, will they get melted down too?”

“Yes, In fact, I think they were part of the last load we shipped out for recycling. Either that or they’ll be going with this month’s, along with several hundred other confiscated weapons.”

“Good, I’m glad.” Bikky sighed. “It’s so different on TV and in the movies. People shoot at each other all the time and mostly it’s the bad guys who get shot and killed by the cops. You don’t think about if they have families ‘cause they deserve to get shot. I guess my dad was a bad guy too, carrying drugs and stealing from his boss. Maybe he deserved to go to prison, but did they have to kill him?”

“It was a warning to anyone else who worked for them.”

Guns destroyed more lives than they took, but Ryo was determined this boy would beat the odds.

The End

anythingdrabble, fic, fake fic, bikky, ryo maclean, fic: one-shot, ficlet, fake, fic: pg

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