Title: Seeking Ianto
badly_knittedCharacters: Jack, Ianto.
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Nada.
Summary: Jack is seeking out Ianto in the hopes of getting some personal attention.
Word Count: 500
Written For: Prompt 614: Tunnel at
Disclaimer: I don’t own Torchwood, or the characters. They belong to the BBC.
The lower levels of the Torchwood Hub were a warren of tunnels, passageways, and rooms. It would be very easy to get lost down there, a fact Jack could attest to having lost his way more than once. Ianto, on the other hand, could probably have found his way blindfolded. He knew every twist and turn by heart, as well as where to find everything kept in the archives and other storage spaces, and was therefore the best person to ask if anything needed fetching from down below. It was a darn sight safer than getting lost in the maze.
Of course, that didn’t work when what you wanted was Ianto himself.
Whenever Jack was bored, or avoiding paperwork, Ianto was at the top of his list of preferred distractions, and why wouldn’t he be? Unfortunately for Jack, Ianto had a great many responsibilities around the Hub, and unlike his lover, liked to get on with his work instead of putting it off for as long as humanly possible in the hope it would do itself.
So, as often as not, when Jack wanted Ianto, whether for coffee, company, or sex, he would first have to track his lover down, and that usually meant venturing into the depths of the archives, where Ianto was involved in the unenviable task of sorting everything out.
Jack sniffed the air, scenting his prey. While Ianto might not be blessed with such distinctively aromatic pheromones as Jack, he still had his own unique scent, and Jack was adept at following his trail. Ianto’s scent was strongest in the left-hand tunnel, so that was the direction Jack headed, knowing that eventually his efforts would be rewarded.
Ianto’s sense of smell was nowhere near as acute as Jack’s, something he was often thankful for, but he could still easily detect the scent of a lusty Jack. When the man in question was still some distance away down a connecting tunnel, Ianto’s voice reached his ears.
“What d’you want, Jack? As if I need to ask.”
Abandoning his attempt at sneaking up on the object of his desires, Jack clomped his way along the dimly lit passageway and popped his head into the room where Ianto was busily cataloguing the contents of a battered wooden crate that had seen better days.
“Ianto! There you are!”
“Here I am,” Ianto agreed, not bothering to look at his lover. “And in case you haven’t noticed, I’m busy.”
Jack resisted the temptation to pout, realising it would be pointless with Ianto facing the other way.
“Haven’t seen you since lunchtime so I thought someone should check up on you. Lots of dangerous things down here.”
“Yes, and the most dangerous is behind me.”
“Where?” Jack turned around to peer into the shadowy corners.
Ianto snorted a laugh. “I meant you, twpsyn!”
“I’m not dangerous!”
“No? You throw my schedule into chaos every time you come down here.”
Jack’s arms slid around his lover. “But you know I make it worthwhile!”
The End