Doctor Who Drabble: Hidden

Mar 24, 2020 17:50

Title: Hidden
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Martha Jones, Tenth Doctor.
Rating: G
Written For: Challenge 390: Strength at dw100.
Spoilers: Human Nature.
Summary: For once, Martha is the one keeping the Doctor safe.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Doctor Who, or the characters.

It’s strange, almost like their roles have been reversed. The Doctor doesn’t remember who he is; as far as he’s concerned he’s simply John Smith, the new teacher at a boarding school for boys, while Martha’s nothing more than a housemaid. Right now, she knows more about him, about both of them, than he does, but he explained it was necessary; he had to hide what he is, be someone else for a while.

For now she has to be the strong one, watch over him, keep them both safe, until it’s time for him to resume his real life.

The End

fic, dw100, martha jones, the doctor, doctor who, drabble, fic: g

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