Babylon 5 Drabble: Meeting Resistance

Sep 04, 2018 18:21

Title: Meeting Resistance
Fandom: Babylon 5
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Steven Franklin, Marcus Cole, Mars Resistance.
Rating: G
Written For: Challenge 4: Underground at drabblesoup.
Spoilers/Setting: Racing Mars.
Summary: Franklin and Marcus have gone to Mars to meet with the resistance. If they can find them, that is.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Babylon 5, or the characters. They belong to J. Michael Straczynski.

The Martian underground was literally that, inhabiting the network of caves and tunnels deep beneath Mars’ inhospitable surface. Humans could only survive here by building their cities inside sealed and pressurised domes where a breathable atmosphere was maintained by machinery, much of which was housed in these very same tunnels. It meant the resistance had to move around a lot, which was no bad thing; they were far harder for the authorities to find that way.

Unfortunately, it also meant Steven and Marcus were having trouble tracking them down to relay Sheridan’s proposal. They could get lost down here forever.

The End

fic, marcus cole, steven franklin, babylon 5, drabble, drabblesoup, fic: g

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