Doctor Who Drabble: Hopes Dashed

Jun 16, 2018 19:07

Title: Hopes Dashed
Author: badly_knitted
Characters: Tenth Doctor.
Rating: G
Written For: Challenge 232: Char at dw100.
Spoilers: Last of the Time Lords.
Summary: The Doctor would have saved the Master if he could.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Doctor Who, or the characters.

He’d had hopes, however misguided they might have been. For a year that wasn’t, he hadn’t been the last of his kind. There’d been another Time Lord, someone he’d once called friend before the best parts of him had been lost as he’d gazed into the Untempered Schism. Mad and ruthless though the Master had become, he’d been the closest thing to family the Doctor had left, and he’d wanted so badly to hold on to him, perhaps heal him.

It wasn’t to be, so here he stands, watching the Master’s body char and burn away to ashes. Hopes dashed.

The End

fic, dw100, the master, the doctor, doctor who, drabble, fic: g

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