Title: Faithful To The End
badly_knitted Characters: Ianto
Rating: G
Written For: Challenge 288, Week 3 - Reverse fandom - Last of the Summer Wine at
tw100 Spoilers: Nada.
Summary: Ianto bids farewell to his faithful protectors, fallen in the line of duty.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Torchwood, or the characters.
A/N: Title used was Elegy for Fallen Wellies
They’d served him well since he joined Torchwood Three, faithfully protecting him through mud and mire, through slime and goo, through disgusting sewers and even through years of cleaning the cells and Myfanwy’s nest.
Now though, their faithful service had come to an end; they’d been defeated by a river of neon green, acidic gunge, bravely giving their last to keep his feet from being melted off.
The least he could do was give them a proper send off.
“Alas, poor wellies, brave to the last. I salute you,” Ianto murmured solemnly, then shrugged and tossed them into the incinerator.
The End