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shrdmdnssftw December 13 2012, 10:27:27 UTC
I think I might have flopped on this one? I'm not sure :(


shrdmdnssftw December 14 2012, 01:44:27 UTC
Ahhhhh have you read hostagefic's dick headcanons? because so good. and also, God bless tight jeans in general.

(but sometimes I feel like he can't breathe in them and idk)

(also, I totally know that feeling - I never know which icons to use because I feel like they're all weird next to what I write)


junkshop_disco December 14 2012, 09:20:23 UTC
No! But I feel like that's been a gaping hole in my life.

(I wonder if he has to lie on the floor to get them done up. And what he does with his dick because those are GIRL JEANS, I SWEAR)

(this one, for example, looks very wrong)


shrdmdnssftw December 14 2012, 10:43:41 UTC

(he probably does. wiggles his lil hips to pull them up properly. puts on his socks before his jeans because otherwise he'll never get them on. AND HE PROBABLY TUCKS IDK. I'm fascinated by the dick in trousers dynamic normally, but trying to figure out Harry is just fascinating)

(I feel like anything with their faces would be their expressions at the topic of conversation. I mean, Harry would probably be amused at people talking about his dick. also kind of weirded out, but whatever)


junkshop_disco December 14 2012, 11:35:41 UTC

*fans self*

(and sometimes he forgets to put his shoes on before he does them up. He tries to wiggle his toes in as best he can and he ends up hopping around until he bangs into the wall. One of the others comes in to see if some fangirl has broken in and trying to kidnap him and then they see him sheepishly looking at his trainers and duck down to help him tie the laces, while muttering, "Really, Harold, there's such a thing as too tight.")

(I think if we were in a bar having a convo about whether he wears those shorts drag queens do and he was sitting behind us, he'd lean over and tell us. You know, just to be helpful)


badjujuboo December 14 2012, 11:37:08 UTC
(i kind of love you both for notficing this sort of maybe in my lj because its lovely)

((he'd probably offer to show you how they fit you know))


junkshop_disco December 14 2012, 22:44:52 UTC
(he'd be all wide eyed as he explained it, and maybe offer to buy us drinks so he could explain it properly, because he wouldn't want us to go away confused or anything)


badjujuboo December 14 2012, 22:49:43 UTC
(you'd probably end up back at his haunted house - which he'd give you the tour of to show you that it's not really haunted - just, noisy pipes is all. Then he'd have to show you his collection of said pants and jeans and how dick placement is different for each of them. Fashion show anyone?)


junkshop_disco December 14 2012, 23:01:24 UTC
(and we'd nod and smile in all the right places and then not know where to look when he stripped off to demonstrate his range of cock-concealing pants because we don't want to appear pervy but HE'S NAKED. And he giggles because that's exactly the reactio he was hoping for and says, 'so... later... I could show you my dresses and how that works...')


badjujuboo December 14 2012, 23:16:42 UTC
(don't forget his collection of lacy panties because he likes the frills and the satin ones and did you girls KNOW about microfibre? it's like you're wearing NOTHING?

and he likes wearing nothing so maybe he shows you what he does when he goes commando

but that's after he makes you all do shots and play some stupid 1D quiz game that hasbro are trying to get them to approve)


junkshop_disco December 14 2012, 23:33:33 UTC
*gurgle cough*

('yes, I see what you mean. That feels TOTALLY not there. Let's just compare it to your naked hip again for... science?'

'SHOT! Do it for science was SO a shot!'

'Whatever, Harold. Did you ever get those crotchless tights you talked about?')


badjujuboo December 15 2012, 00:09:29 UTC
(and then we'd puppy pile in his bed

because he'd just DRAG you up there all

"but its SNUGGLE time girls? do you not naked snuggle with your friends?"

um.. of course we do harold. of course.)


junkshop_disco December 15 2012, 00:39:17 UTC
(He nestles in with his nose and his hair smells of fruit and fingers. His fingers trail down and he murmurs, 'This is nice,' before smiling into the closest neck with scant regard for the fact he's the only one naked.

Hand on his hip, and he looks up with doe eyes. 'So what are we doing, here?' he says)


badjujuboo December 15 2012, 02:39:23 UTC
(snuggling obviously harold

is this boy as slow as he speaks)

(but obviously, in solidarity with harold we'd have to strip)


shrdmdnssftw December 14 2012, 12:02:37 UTC
(clumsy Harry is the best. and of course he'd need help tying up his laces. they like to make fun of him for his fashion choices, but then he actually gets up and walks around in those skintight jeans and deep neck t shirts and they shut up.)

(the others may or may not have a playlist of songs for these days: Teenage Dream by Katy Perry, Spray on Pants by Kisschasy, Dem Jeans by Chingy) (I have thought about this too much)

(Harry would be very happy to help anyone out at any time. Like if the others (Louis) needed to figure out how to tuck in tight jeans, he'd show them.)

(edit: tuck as in tuck in their dicks. not like, tucking jeans into boots.) (um, just felt like I should clarify)


junkshop_disco December 14 2012, 22:48:30 UTC
(he starts humming Peppercorn's Barefoot and Dirty Jeans as a sort of in-joke but then he can't help dancing, and he doesn't really know what's happening but he's just grooving along with it and dancing a bit in the hotel lobby, and then he realises all the others - and a bunch of people he doesn't know - are just staring at him)

(LOLS. Louis would so wear Uggs and skinny jeans tucked in without guidance)


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