thank god i live alone - or New Interview with 1D where Louis is lovely and Liam has hormonal issues

Oct 21, 2012 21:59

there were several times i hid behind my pillow because of FEELINGS
other times I had to PAUSE BECAUSE OF SQUEEE

and then there was louis just being lovely and answering everything and liam being a dork and and and *sigh*

image Click to view

/one direction, -i just have a lot of louis feels okay?-, -i am made of squee-, britboilove

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Comments 9

nature_aly October 21 2012, 12:51:35 UTC
That is such a good interview. I feel a little weird that my favorite part was Harry kissing the interviewer on the cheek to say hello and goodbye. It's just so friendly/polite. I have a huge family and its like at every function you have to make the rounds to kiss everyone when you get there and when you leave and I just like that Harry would totally fit in. Plus when I met Dominic Monaghan he did the same thing, gave me a hug and kissed my cheek and it was just glorious.


badjujuboo October 21 2012, 12:55:44 UTC
oh shut up you met Dom??


inquiring minds NEED to know LOL

i know, its utterly gorgeous and sweet and what my brother does too. So i've never really understood why some fans/weirdos see a flirtyness in his simple act of being a gentleman?


nature_aly October 21 2012, 13:53:55 UTC
It was over 8 years ago, so I'm a little hazy on the details but I do actually remember this., He was sort of drunk and had been smoking cigarettes, so a bit like smoke and sweat and cologne. Actually my pictures of him smoking caused a bit of controversy in the LOTR fandom at the time because no one knew he smoked. Oh, the LOTR memories.

I love that on Nick's show after the Teen Awards, Fearne made it a point to mention that Harry stopped to say hello and kiss her while the other boys just passed by. Harry is even more polite when compared to his hooligan bandmates.


badjujuboo October 22 2012, 11:28:24 UTC

i know, i hate how lovely he is sometimes. Though i would actually expect Liam to do the polite kiss on the cheek over any of the others


prplhez8 October 21 2012, 16:34:25 UTC
Two kisses from Harry? HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA

Charmer, that one.

Loved the vid and thanks for pointing it out!!!


badjujuboo October 22 2012, 11:27:40 UTC
wasn't it LOVELY! i loved Louis in this. LOVED!


seths_dream October 21 2012, 22:25:44 UTC
I'm only 3 minutes in but I already love this video. Louis talking about psychology... and Harry's polite kiss. ♥


seths_dream October 21 2012, 22:26:37 UTC
OKAY I watched 10 more seconds and LOUIS thinking he would go into hysterics over the red Power Ranger is he was 8... OH MY GOD.


badjujuboo October 22 2012, 11:27:03 UTC
the polite greet and farewell kiss DOES ME IN!


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