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Comments 5

enomis57 July 23 2012, 11:07:45 UTC
You can watch this and appreciate the new hair and also how much of an idiot Liam is in this interview - I think he and Louis hit the red cordial right before this.....


nature_aly July 23 2012, 11:13:50 UTC
I love his new hair! I love the fact that Liam is the only one of them that constantly changes his hair, because he feels like it and he's Liam Payne so it always looks awesome!


badjujuboo July 23 2012, 11:26:22 UTC
he's the epitome of golden god


obviously LOL


nature_aly July 23 2012, 12:31:01 UTC
Has anyone written the 'Almost Famous' AU where Liam screams "I am a golden god" before jumping off a roof? Because i can really see him as that character.

Also, my best friend thinks they all look like they're 15, so I am stealing this picture and emailing it to her so I can be like, stop judging he is glorious in his almost 19ness.


lil_mama419 July 23 2012, 16:27:22 UTC
This post is awesome. Always here for the Liam love! He doesn't get enough!


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