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Comments 19

enomis57 July 3 2012, 14:44:44 UTC
Latest update is that Louis is home. With his mum.

I think he decided we all needed a game of Where in the World is Louis Tomlinson. Who knows when we will get the answer to this baffling question!

I love how Niall has the little Louis/Harry teddy thing :)

Looking at Harry walking through Heathrow made me sad that it has nearly been 2 years since I was there last and I really want to be there again!


badjujuboo July 4 2012, 09:34:09 UTC
How long did he even stay there? Rumor on one of the update things i follow on twitter said he was in Nice with the hamster.

I just don't understand how he wouldn't want to go home for at least a few days? See his family, touch base with any friends he DIDNT fly over on tour with them? LOL But the Hamster has needs too I suppose. Then again I thought about it this afternoon and maybe he wants some relative privacy? They're SO well known in the UK it would be hard to just hang out with his hamster so.... or like I think you an JD said - maybe he doesn't want to be there to watch Haz move out?

I HATE THAT I NEED TO KNOW THIS SHIT SIM! (and yeah I'm using your real name cuz i figured it out days ago and laughed with JD and so I should probably tell you I'm Cass right? right :D)

I KNOW HOW CUTE IS NIALL! I hope he's getting absolutely plastered at home with his mates.

I've never been out of Aus. Just never happened so I will PINE with you for a heathrow I don't know but you should definitely see again!


enomis57 July 4 2012, 12:35:47 UTC
I don't think he got to go home. The reason he wasn't seen at Heathrow is because he and Hamster were off to a connecting flight to France. There is a picture of them walking miles apart down some deserted area of Heathrow.

It hurt my heart a bit that he didn't get to see his mum and sisters and seems he is now spending a week in Nice - which is the place you go IN SUMMER when you want a bit of quiet time *sigh*. I've been to Nice. It is all shopping, restaurants and TOURISTS.

It drives me insane that I NEED TO KNOW as well. I'm very thankful I have an iPad at the moment as I can catch up on the sly at work every now and again.

I love that Niall is out drinking and being normal.

One day you will get out of Oz! When I hit 30 (showing my age) I decided I was going to get a passport and get to Europe. When I did it was well worth the saving and the planning. London is one of my favourite places in the world. I've been there twice now and would love to get back there again at some point soon.


badjujuboo July 4 2012, 12:44:17 UTC
i AM thirty plus1 shortly to be plus2 in november and as MUCH as i've talked about going overseas - I've just never got around to it. I will - I've got fam in the UK but I've got more friends on the west coast of the US too so idk someplace. before i'm 40 LOL

I can only catch up at lunch and even then its on the sly on my phone because everyone i have lunch with usually want to TALK and take away from my STALKING TIME

i mean really. RUDE.

I can't believe he didn't go home to them. And why is he taking her to NICE with the -------oooooooooo shopping. because she has all this/his money for that being a student who sometimes models (which lets face it - she can't have done that too much lately considering SHE HAS BEEN THE YOKO TO HIS JOHN FOR THIS TOUR)


mab_di July 3 2012, 16:24:55 UTC
No, honestly though, he needs to get rid of that coat. For real.


badjujuboo July 4 2012, 09:34:49 UTC
burn the thing> BURN IT OR GIVE IT TO MEEEE

for purely um.... purposes? of some not weird type? lol


popfly July 3 2012, 17:27:57 UTC

Seriously, where was Louis?


badjujuboo July 4 2012, 09:35:54 UTC
who knows! But he's aparently in Nice with El now so... I dont even want to START on Louis and not going home properly.



popfly July 4 2012, 17:36:15 UTC
UGH, the pictures of Lou in the airport in France HURT, and not in the good way.


badjujuboo July 5 2012, 09:18:43 UTC
i know. im just ignoring lou from now on tbh


pau494 July 4 2012, 14:11:48 UTC
NIALL IS THE BEST ONE. That kid is so freaking endearing, ugh.

HARRY IN COATS WILL BE THE DEATH OF ME. Lololol can you imagine if they had lost Louis for real? That would have been endless hilarity... Didn't they leave somebody at a gas station once? I can't remember who it was!


badjujuboo July 4 2012, 14:12:52 UTC
probably NIALL lol


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