Excuse me while I DROWN IN TEARS #puppies

Jul 02, 2012 20:10

I hate my life. I hate that I love them so much and I'm so SO proud of these boys who came from virtually nowhere to being COMPLETE superstars that only seem to get better and better with each performance and now the Up All Night tour is OFFICIALLY over I just.

I am SO stupidly emotional made worse by the following:

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@harry lookathissweetface styles, [payne is killing me], @louis sassmaster tomlinson, video: just watch it, [all the feelings], !please dont hurt me flist, -fuckingpuppies-, @liam perfect payne, @niall irishcupcake horan, -completely unnatural things-, [i see four nipples], [cupcake got hot], /one direction, [i am all cried out], [zayns cheekbones and lashes post], [sass and ass post], {my cries could fill all the oceans}, britboilove, {its all liams fault}, @zayn stopitwithyoureyes malik

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Comments 28

popfly July 2 2012, 18:00:06 UTC
Oh god.


pau494 July 4 2012, 14:33:50 UTC
DROWNING IN FEELINGS. I didn't ask for this.


badjujuboo July 4 2012, 14:35:53 UTC
nobody did.


oh here this will make it better


pau494 July 4 2012, 16:24:37 UTC
I think I read this on tumblr somewhere and it's SO TRUE "I would just like to clarify that I don't like One Direction by choice" That person speaks for all of us!!!

Okay, that was adorable! They need to start doing random video diaries again so we can all drown in feelings some more. And can I just say, after seeing that video, WHERE IS THE WING!FIC?


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