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Comments 23

baratheons June 11 2012, 10:02:50 UTC
I approve all over this post.


badjujuboo June 11 2012, 11:28:58 UTC
i approved all over it as i gathered evidence BWAHAHAHAH (that sounded so wrong... so so wrong)


junkshop_disco June 11 2012, 11:14:59 UTC
GOD HAVE MERCY, is Louis actually biting Harry's shoulder? He must know about my thing for shoulder nipping, the bastard. I can't blame Harry at all for constantly wanting to slap his arse. I'm making grabby hands for it and I can only see it in 2D.

This is basically me right now, sliding off my chair:

... )


badjujuboo June 11 2012, 11:28:12 UTC
good now SLIIIIIIIIIIDE off your chair and into your writing mode k? k.



junkshop_disco June 11 2012, 11:44:33 UTC
Say I WAS going to write something, what should it be..?


badjujuboo June 11 2012, 12:02:06 UTC
that is a VERY dangerous question

idk honestly. i have SO many ideas and there's SO many good fills about so many things.

do you want prompt words?

like... well you liked the biting thing so

mark, pinch, poke, fabric, prune, belly, lick

wow so thats just porn

idk i'm all feely over louis having that podgy belly and im a little in love with harry's hands and fingerporn but IDK IDK! YOU LOVE THE KINKMEME!! SEND ME 5 AND I"LL NARROW IT DOWN FOR YOU!


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