POLLARAMARAMA - or the one where i need the internet to make decisions for me

Apr 25, 2012 11:51

my eyes hurt (see previous post) so TV! WHAT TO WATCH!
Poll the one where i get you to choose for me
** RUDY FROM MISFITS RUDY! omg i watch too much DW**

**things i shouldnt be doing**, -so effin bored-, (aint to proud to beg), (halp meee), **yes im that bored im posting shit**, !please dont hurt me flist, pollaramarama, !flist, !personal bzns

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Comments 5

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badjujuboo April 25 2012, 11:47:43 UTC
noooooooo nooooooooo i never even liked the adverts for that LOL tks though!


callme_k April 25 2012, 09:53:20 UTC
Sons of Anarchy! Crazy intense and confronting sometimes, but damn goooood! I'll also throw a vote for Terra Nova; it's a pity it was cancelled. OH! and Once Upon a Time - weren't you talking about maybe wanting to watch that? I love it!


badjujuboo April 25 2012, 11:47:21 UTC
I ended up watching to the end of s1 of Sons of Anarchy, i forgot how much I love that show! Will be catching up on the rest of S2 and MAYBE S3 this weekend! because SOMEONE forgot she had plans with her kids so now i'm HOME ALONE on the weekend, nobody to visit and drink with and *sads*

or i could just go watch The Avengers on my own :D

HELL NO to Terra Nova, no interest in that AT all but Once Upon A Time I knoooooooooow i really should, but i found my list of tv to get back to on listography so i picked from that instead!


callme_k April 25 2012, 23:19:33 UTC
Poor Terra Nova. It just doesn't feel the love.


ellecc April 26 2012, 17:59:52 UTC
I'm watching this show called Merlin, because I heard it's pretty good, yeah? I'm like near the end of series two... so, you could try that?


I'm so funny.

(Watching the show really is making a lot of stuff make much more sense now, I have to say.)

So FNL is out?? I really liked it. LOVED it, really, though I stopped at the beginning of season four for no real reason (probably because I knew the end was impending and I was SADPANTS) and that season and season five are sitting on my bookshelf, waiting for me to plow through them in what will probably be a single day.

Charlie Hunnam is the dude whose name you're looking for from Sons of Anarchy. Tru fax, he plays Justin (Nathan) on QAF UK version. WHO THE HELL KNEW, RIGHT?! If you watch QAF, lemme know how it is. It's only 10 eps total, so at least it wouldn't be a huge waste of time if you watched it all and it sucked. Someone first pointed Charlie out to me as a possible Jasper, like a million years ago. It's a smallllllll world.


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