100 Things Numero SEIS or where Eoin Recs QUALITY tunes

Apr 22, 2012 16:12

I spent a GLORIOUS sunday in the company of friends new and old at the best little Indian buffet around and now I'm sat dying of good food overload and continuing my descent into geeksleepyness with the Two Towers EE portion of my marathon this weekend...

couldn't look you in the eye )

100 100 thingy things, /radiohead, @eoin is unf macken, music = love: covers

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Comments 4

sapphirescribe April 22 2012, 08:49:10 UTC
Why is he so perfect with his gorgeous music and fuckhot Irish anger? Did you see the photo tweets? He was so angry and I was all "I've never found angry so arousing before". It was a weird moment for me.

Don't tell anyone, but I might like this version of the song better than the original. O.o


badjujuboo April 22 2012, 08:56:15 UTC
hehe i am SO in fangirl/notreallyfangirlmorereallife love with Eoin! I saw the anger (dude, my stalkage is actually that bad i have a column JUST for his tweets on tweetdeck - and Rupert and Tom ... yeah) What fuckery for the poor man! ANd he takes amazing photos too :(

I kind of adore it. I'm sure there's another cover I've heard somewhere I love too but IDK this just takes the cake toward the end where the band REALLY kick in!


sapphirescribe April 22 2012, 09:03:07 UTC
Omg, a column on tweetdeck. That is actually the best idea I've ever heard. I will be modifying my columns later. I don't want to miss anything! (I'd tell you not to judge me for that, but I think you understand. Lol)


badjujuboo April 22 2012, 09:12:09 UTC
if only you knew what else i do in my stalkage. its bad.
so bad

but i will keep that to myself lest i scare ALL of you away!


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