Movie News: FAST GIRLS or the one with Mickey Smith and a Pendragon KING

Apr 04, 2012 22:06

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or you know, the actors known for playing...

(may have SQUEEED uncontrollably when Bradders pashed the girl - who honestly I have no idea WHO she is only that she's in a movie with them HEHEHE)

movies: trailer, movies: coming soon, @bradley lipsandcrookedteeth james, video

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Comments 6

janee02 April 4 2012, 12:14:45 UTC
LOL their biggest aspiration is to beat Team USA...that makes me feel a little awkward being from the US hehehe


badjujuboo April 4 2012, 12:15:48 UTC
ahh we all want to beat you. Especially when it comes to the olympics and swimming here. its DIE AMERICANOS DIE! lol

welll not DIE but.. yeah you get it xo


junkshop_disco April 4 2012, 12:18:47 UTC
That's Lenora Critchlow - she's in Being Human and she was in Sugar Rush. She's awesome I have such a crush on her so who knows how I'll get through her and Bradley together.


badjujuboo April 4 2012, 12:21:21 UTC
i really REALLY need to get watching Being Human. It's been on my list forever but .. idk if The Fades doesnt get the go ahead for s2 then i'm going to start it!

you will surely perish in a state of human combustion from ALL THE PRETTY AND HOT THINGS


junkshop_disco April 4 2012, 13:16:51 UTC
The first two series were near perfect TV. Third one lost me a little, but I hear s4 was awesome so I might get that on DVD.


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