Fic Rec Bonanza - TSN STYLE

Feb 08, 2009 21:53

TSN - RPF and Character Fic Recs


FicAuthorRatingLengthPairingSummaryRead it because: Sweet On Youmoogle62R72kMark/EduardoBAKERY AU. Mark is Mark, Eduardo owns a bakery/café near the Facebook offices. Mark does not have time to have a thing for him, but he totally, totally does. Sadly for Mark's continued enjoyment of a harassment-free existence, Dustin is still Dustin and is entirely devoted to his causes of a) getting Mark laid, b) acquiring all the gossip, and c) acquiring all the baked goods he can. Featuring novelty shaped cookies, frosting in places frosting should never be, and ~feelings~.Baker!Wardo is .. this fic is probably going down in the history of ALL the fandom's I've ever read in as ONE of THE TOP FIVE READS OF ALL TIME. yes, that's how much I loved it. Its a ball of FLUFF that will CONSUME YOUR VERY SOUL! The emails in the office are SO funny, and Dustin? DUSTIN! I love him. Though after looking at TSN movie Dustin and In My Head Dustin - I prefer mine. Crept Out The Front Door SlowymortonNC174ptsMark/Eduardobased on the kinkmeme prompt- Eduardo has this thing, where whenever he's drunk drunk, he basically makes out with whoever's around. -- but then it became a massively angsty love story. oops.Drunk!Kissing!Wardo is SO much fun and not a slut and OMG the ANGST in this was so bittersweet and WONDEROUS! loved. Not A Through StreetblackwayfarersR26kJesse/AndrewThe air is thick with that familiar city stench; sharp diesel fumes, street vendor meat, smoke, and something metallic like the sea. Andrew breathes it in as he props a cigarette between his lips before cupping his hands around a match. It's not hard to immediately love it here, feel like he's been sucked into a cocoon of light and noise and the strange privacy of this boy. Even Jesse's angular awkwardness is somehow just like Andrew pictured it, wanted it, Jesse tip-toeing around his own apartment like he's afraid of waking someone up.You really do end up feeling like this all could/is happening. It's angst and warmth and writing of POETRYNESS and there's a kitten called Harry Potter (it was KISMET FOR ME OK?!) MulliganoflightsNC1715kMark/Dustin, Mark/EduardoThrough a study conducted by Erica Albright, Dustin has the opportunity to go back in time and fix what he believes to be the biggest regret of Mark’s life: his destroyed relationship with Eduardo. Never mind that Dustin and Mark are in a fairly awesome relationship in the present; Mark and Eduardo are totally meant to be together. Right?The lengths Dustin goes to to ensure Mark has the "right" future are heartbreaking and utterly wonderous. I never read/loved a pairing with Mark other than Wardo that I absolutley adored until oflights wrote thisIt Starts With A RosearcadianmaggieNC1721kJesse/AndrewThe first time Andrew stumbles across Jesse's Flowers, he's looking to send his girlfriend flowers for her birthday.flowershop hijinks involving crazy mad ex nearlygirlfriendsmorelikeblowjobqueeens, jesse's curls, Andrew being adorkable and flower meanings. SO SO GORGEOUS! Oh Be JoyfulblackwayfarersR19kJesse/Andrew, Andrew/Emma, Emma/Andrew/Jesse(sort of)Jesse has always felt older than he should. Like he tripped over some important years, slept through them one night and woke up rusty and cold and out of place. But now, with Andrew's hair all fluffy and wind-blown, with Emma singing a tired pop song at the top of her lungs, with the air smelling like cut grass and hot tar and kicked up dirt, it's kind of the other way around and Jesse can't believe he's ever been anything but seventeen.this will BREAK you and the imagery is just DEVINE In Webs and KnotsabriataNC1775kMark/Eduardo, Chris/Dustin, Eduardo/Chris, Eduardo/Mark/ChrisWhen Mark gets in a car accident Dustin and Chris have to call Eduardo back to California. No, not to play nursemaid. Mark's in a coma, but it turns out that all the code Dustin needs is locked down under a series of passwords that, with Mark out of commission, only Eduardo knows. The passwords are prompted from important moments in the evolution of Mark and Eduardo's relationship, which weave in and out of the movie timeline up until the current day. Contains heavy D/s themes, kink, next to no technical accuracy, and a happy ending.the lengths Mark will go to to show Wardo how much he cares is just... its gorgeous. It'll wreck you a little but even on the notes page it states HEA so I'll leave you with that what not to do when your boss is dating the guy he had erased from his memory: a user's guide by c. hughesmoogle62PG1310kMark/EduardoA TSN/Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind fusion. mostly based on this prompt. In which Mark has a new mystery significant other, or so Dustin claims, and there is not enough alcohol in the world to make Chris's life any less stupid.ALL THE FEELINGS! The moment when he calls out for them to stop in the shower, and then the END! Beautiful, sad, hopeful and beautiful. came out on the other sideoflightsPG137kMark/EduardoFour times Mark didn’t get Eduardo was asking him out (and one time he got it).I pretty much leave stupid flaily reviews for oflights and really, you should just read ALL her fics in ALL the fandoms the end: All the variations. ALL THE AMAZING WORDS. you own them, ALL. the end. Where Great Cities Riseslasher48
bad_bad_booksR3kMark/EduardoEduardo ran away, but not far enough. AU.Really loved the voices for Mark and Wardo here, very realistic. Great read! Meet Me In New YorksanannNC1717kJesse/AndrewThis is a story about Andrew coming to New York to shoot the new Spider-Man movie and Jesse being happy to see his best friend. This is also a story about Jesse realizing he's in love with said best friend.loved loved LOVED! The slow burn, the rush to finally touch when truths were revealed and the love that they so obviously share for each other throughout this ENTIRE fic is utterly brilliant. I loved the little pictures, great little focal points scattered throughout, that was fantastic! more than the recommended amountmoogle62R13kMark/Eduardoin which Dustin gets impatient, Mark gets a cold, and Eduardo gets ALL THE FEELINGS IN THE WORLD.this is gorgeous! I love LOVE Dustin and his little scheming, niggling ways! Relationship Status: It was always about you jeyhawkNC1717kMark/EduardoCollege AU. The one where Eduardo works at the campus coffee shop and Mark doesn't understand the concept of love at first sight. Coffee, code, Facebook and love (not necessarily in that order).this was fabulous! I really loved the 'could have been' moments and Wardo and Mark's tone. Fantastic writing! show me the sidestreets in your lifeymortonNC172 partsMark/Eduardo, Dustin/ChrisAnyway, one day everyone wakes up and realizes that everything coming out of their mouth is the truth. They have no verbal or mental filters, they can't lie, and they can't stop whatever they say when they go to speak.SOOOOO HOT SOOOOOOOOOO FUNNY AND FULL OF THE FEELINGS! life is over now. BRILLIANT STUFF!! We walk unseen, hands clasped together, while ink-blue night falls upon the world.ginevrawpPG132kJesse/AndrewThey're in Spain for the promotional tour of TSN. Fluff happenswhat really matters, is that there are lips upon lips, and that they are Andrew’s upon Jesse’s. Trial by Denialkit_kitgoesusaNC171ptJesse/AndrewJesse doesn’t know why anyone would think that he and Andrew are lovers. Then he slowly starts to understand..loved this! The miscommunication the guvn'r all of it!The Spaces In BetweenrobpatPG132k?Jesse/AndrewThe spaces between Jesse’s fingers, well, sometimes Andrew thinks they were made for sweet and so UTTERLY adorable you've got the boys! I love the little quirks/snarks Jesse has with all the adorkableness of Andrew!

pairing: (tsn) mark/dustin, (the good ship masterpimp), pairing: (tsn) mark/eduardo, (beloved fanfic), pairing: (tsn) jesse/andrew, fandom: the social network

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