Icon my old friend

May 20, 2010 22:43

BORED and playing with textures from candyshock

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Comments 8

n7of9 May 20 2010, 12:49:08 UTC
where am i? everything is DIFFERENT!! i was only away from the computer for 2.3 minutes

i think i love the new layout

you opened an icon comm?

i love this:

... )


badjujuboo May 20 2010, 12:52:49 UTC
I GOT BORED! see what happens when i get bored? I MAKE SHIT!

its sad but true

Yeah, aparently every man and his dog who make icons have coms. You wanna come play on mine? LOL

Yeah, i love the new layout too. it was supposed to have a header image but the instructions she had made it not work. ::shrugs:: its still cool and VERY minimalist lol


n7of9 May 20 2010, 12:55:32 UTC
if you want a banner i can look at your code...email me the text in your custom css field, and the original instructions (and a link to the image you want to use)

i would get so confused posting in multiple places...i'm currently making icons for 3 icon comps and it's already too much for me...lol


badjujuboo May 20 2010, 12:57:33 UTC
this is just a storage com. And really cuz i made a com so i could play with the HTML when people ask me to fix theres. I'm that lame hehe

Maybe, i never actually found a cool banner but I'll keep looking then i will hannoy you :D


janee02 May 21 2010, 00:54:47 UTC
I'm in love with your new layout, your icons, and YOU ♥


badjujuboo May 21 2010, 01:45:54 UTC
awe I LOVE YOU TOO! I'm kinda crushing on my new layout too! I thought i'd steer clear of the dark this time!


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