Title: Five O'Clock
Summary: The sun ain't the only thing that's coming up. A never-ending party ends for Charlie as he goes up to their bedroom to wait.
Fandom: Harry Potter
Characters/Pairings: Charlie/James, mention of Ron/Christa
Genre: Romance
Rating: G
Warnings: N/A
Word Count: 209
Author's Notes: For
c_hrista, who gave me the pairings and the prompt "5 O'Clock" by T-Pain (feat. Lily Allen & Wiz Khalifa). I used the hook, mostly XD
It's early but too late for Charlie, so he stumbles upstairs in the dark, the goofy grin still on his face, the one that always earns a pinch to the cheek from his mother. He doesn't notice the silhouettes outside the rooms as they slip inside with murmured whispers. He loses count of the number of times he sees red hair threaded through with fingers. The grin doesn't go away even when there's Ron and Christa at the top of the stairs making out, even when Christa blushes and hides her face, even when Ron flips him his middle finger and drags the laughing girl back to his room.
It's almost light out but it's still dark in their room, the curtains drawn over the window, the bedsheets mussed up from hours and hours before. The mattress feels comfortable against his cheek, his bare stomach, cool and soft and drowning out the music from floors below.
It's dreamy but real when he hears the quiet creaking of the floorboards and suddenly the mattress feels hot and the room small, and he shivers despite the blood rush as James's lips press softly on the skin right in the middle of his shoulder blades, and scarred denim rubs against his back.