Title: As The Story Goes
sparklebunnyPairing: Helen/Nikki, Nikki/Sylvia
Rating: PG (15+)
Word Count: 373
Nikki could never be mad at Helen for too long. Sure, she was the most stubborn out of the two, but, whatever problems they had, Nikki always knew that once she saw Helen's face, everything else seemed to fade to the background.
"I like how you write me," Nikki says with a smile. "So butch and no-nonsense, yet underneath it all I'm all smushy."
You can't help laughing. "Smushy? I didn't think that word was in your vocabulary."
Nikki leans down and wraps her long slender arms around you, she smells so good. "Sweetheart, maybe when you write me I don't say it, but, I'm not your fictional character, though from the way you write this 'Helen Stewart' character I wouldn't mind having a little threesome action with her."
"Hey!" You poke her.
Nikki throws her arms in the air. "You only have yourself to blame. I never had a thing for short brunette scottish women until you put the idea in my head."
"I'm sorry," You pout. "It could be worse I suppose? I could've written you with an uncontrollable lust for a certain short robust red haired woman."
"Hollamby?" Nikki almost chokes on the name.
You nod.
"Somehow I can't see the attraction of that woman saying SIT DOWN!"
"What?" You feign surprise. "She doesn't make you all hot and bothered?"
You both erupt into fits of laughter.
"She's not exactly my flavour, sweetheart."
"I could write her differently," You're quick to reply.
Nikki gives a wry smile. "To borrow from the vocabulary you so eloquently write me as saying, Darling, I'd rather shag the end of Fenner's boot!"
"Fair enough," You smile. "We'll stick with Helen." Your fingers start ferociously tapping at the keyboard in front of you. Nikki is still hovering over you.
"Ere," She speaks up. "Do you think you could write me getting some action in a nurses uniform?"
You look at her quizzically.
"What?" Nikki says with a cheeky grin. "I think it would be hot, and besides, who wouldn't want to see Helen ripping it off in the heat of passion? I mean, come on, think of all the fangirls you'd make happy."
You laugh. "Oh, well, we can't upset the fangirls now can we?"