Hi everyone! The shinobi is back from overused, unpaid sporking leave. I decided to get back into the swing of things by hitting the Badfic clan with some badfic quotes. Mwa ha ha!
Anyway, today's quoting is from an Excel Saga story that has all the gramatical insertation of a zombie's journal. The story is titled
Birth of a ruler and one can only make so many lurid jokes at the title. So go for it. In the meantime, I've pulled out the worst of it and placed it here for your enjoyment.
As a side note, my Beta reader is sleeping, so I did not disturb.
Lord Ilpalazzo has decided if he should ever rule this corrupt world he would need one day a hair and no one can stop him from this plan. Hearts will be ripped appart and feelings betrayed as a fragile love starts to bloom from the shards...
Wow! What a preview! I haven't even opened the story yet and I find that Ilpalazzo needs A HAIR! I guess pulling one out of his head was just not good enough. So Lord Ilpalazzo is turning Nit Nurse to find THE HAIR! But the hair alone is not sufficiant. He must also commit ritual human sacrifice, make babies cry and grow a flower from a broken window pane. What a plot!
The plan was set and the bride chosen so needed Lord Ilpalazzo only to take care about two things, first getting everything which could block him by achieving the second part of his master plan out of the way. After this is done comes the part in which he only needs to make his final move so that his bride would belong to him for eternity.
What I really need is a bottle of asprin and a large swig of gin before I try and solve this strange equasion of events.
“I see, don’t worry about dying in your sleep Hyatt-kun.” he answered smiling while making a memo to get more bed sheets before looking at Excel again who was still babbling about her dream as he grabbed his trustworthy rope and pulling it.
Breathe in everybody. As you can see, breaking down sentances is still an art form. A dead one maybe, but an art form nonetheless.
For those not too familiar with the (so-called) plot of Excel Saga, Excel loves Ilpalazzo but Ilpalazzo wants Hyatt. World domination is possible if Excel and Ilpalazzo are in love. Hyatt has a tendancy to drop dead every episode and then revive herself, or Excel revives her. So that really is the best thing to say to the person you love. "Don't worry so much about dying in your sleep." That should (technically) put Ilpalazzo off sleeping with Hyatt for life. We digress
Does the end of that not suggest many more lurid things? Does it not? Tell me the truth.
After she left crossed a smirk the silver haired man’s lips.
I pray, with all the power and will that is left in me, that this was one of those wonderful errors the computer makes when you accidently hit the mouse and the typing goes elsewhere on the screen. If it isn't, then the author probably had a mass brain fart and typed random gramaticles in an attempt to make a short sentance. The whole story suggests this is beyond them.
I think I have done enough damage for a little while. May your brain cells comprehend grammar again soon.