Cherry Bomb 015 ♦ Nice ♦ Split lips and Bomb testing [In person]

Dec 23, 2010 12:05

[Anyone..well, anyone in the Manor will be able to hear the sudden, violent sound of an explosion outside in the forest. About a minute passes, before another one goes off, and then another.

Nice was pretty pissed off - although it shouldn't have done, the whole thing with Light and Misa had gotten to her, and she found the only way she knew to ( Read more... )

comment: mello, nice holystone, comment: shiki, comment: finnian, comment: john dillinger

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Comments 77

[In Person] lovesoutdoors December 23 2010, 12:24:30 UTC
[Finnian had been busy doing what he was usually ordered to, even though there was snow he was going to make sure the plants were doing fine, especially the snowdrops that he recently planted as he liked them.

Kneeling down to check on the he heard a noise, not sure what it was as he looked up and around, seeing if anyone was close by before standing up and walking towards where he thought he heard whatever it was, was.

Looking around he paused when he heard what appeared to be a louder sound than before, which made him think that he was close by now and whatever it was might be harming the plants and trees that were around. Looking around he soon spotted what appeared to be a young girl or woman coming out from the forest as he stood there, trying to be as loud as he could.]

Hello there. Do you know what the loud noises are?


[In Person] blondefuse December 23 2010, 16:17:48 UTC
[She looks back at Finny]



[In Person] hunted_by_fbi December 23 2010, 15:21:55 UTC
[John knows the sound of those bombs. Grabbing his heavy coat and his spare dark blue one, he headed out to the source of those explosions. Something was definitely wrong. It didn't take a grade "A" genius to figure out that even the things that a person loved most didn't seem to help and clearing the forest in the middle of winter hardly any sense either.

Upon seeing Nice, he stopped and watched the debris fall after a bomb had gone off. He didn't seem fazed by the loud, powerful explosions but Nice was his source of concern.

Draping the coat over her shoulders, he rubs her shoulders.]

Tell me what's wrong, baby.


[In Person] blondefuse December 23 2010, 16:16:59 UTC
[Grateful for the extra layer, she tugs the second coat across her chest as she turns to face John]

Just somethin' that happened yesterday

[She gestures to her lip]

Just got under my skin. 's nothin' serious


[In Person] hunted_by_fbi December 23 2010, 16:24:34 UTC
[His eyes narrow, his heart sinks. He inhales deeply to keep from getting upset but he holds it back to keep from lashing out. John didn't like seeing Nice marred up and he recognized a split lip coming from a fist than from an item.]

Who did that?


[In Person] blondefuse December 23 2010, 17:24:50 UTC
[She hated telling on people, but she knew he also hated liars]

This chick called Misa - but it's settled now, it's fine. There's no need ta stir things up again


/laaate raeg p3rfect_kill3r December 26 2010, 19:21:40 UTC
[Explosions normally make him wary, normally. After the other week even more so, especially when he knew that Nice used them. Following the sounds he spots her. He says nothing initially, he's allowing her her time to calm down. That is until he spots her lip. Warning bells go off and he suddenly feels a little irritated. Storming over he lifts her chin up to him and inspects the tiny split. His brows drawn and voice harshened with that feral husk he got whenever he was about to break something.]

What happened.


Re: /laaate raeg blondefuse December 26 2010, 20:04:12 UTC
[Nice didn't notice Shiki until the last second, so in short, he pretty much gave her a heart attack. She pulls her face away from his hand]

's nothin', don't worry about it


p3rfect_kill3r December 26 2010, 21:05:54 UTC
[He growls as he yanks it back, eyes wide and it seems as though the red of his eyes really are burning.]

Don't give me that. Who did this to you?


blondefuse December 26 2010, 22:31:48 UTC
[With his tone and the aggression in his eyes, Nice pulls away again, but this time she backs up a little]

This chick called Misa. We had a little misunderstandin' and she got a hit in, that's all

Don't freak out. 's just a split lip. 'sides, it's over an' done with now - there's no need ta stir things up


[In Person] worldsrunnerup December 27 2010, 19:24:50 UTC
[He's been watching standing calf deep in the snow. He's been there since the third blast. He knows better than anyone else what a good explosion can do for your nerves. He's done exactly what she's doing, more than once. After watching the explosion and allowing Nice to enjoy the sort of post explosion afterglow before speaking]

That was a nice one.

[He's not out there to be nice. No, he likes her but Mello is far from the nurturing type. He's there for information. ...Mostly.]


[In Person] blondefuse December 27 2010, 23:10:12 UTC
[She looks round suddenly; she hadn't heard him approach, and despite all the noise she was making, she hadn't expected anyone to come find her] long ya been stood there?

[She was a little testy; she was still feeling irate from the fight and her busted lip was starting to throb in the cold]


[In Person] worldsrunnerup December 28 2010, 05:07:14 UTC
Wanted to make sure it was one of us blowing up the forest and not the Author deciding she wanted to get rid of us.

[Kinda. He's also just dickishly curious]


[In Person] blondefuse December 30 2010, 13:13:26 UTC
[Small smirk]

I'm sure if she wanted us out she'd send us home. Or she'd kill us off slowly, like with a virus or somethin'.

Makes for a better story


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