1rst Psalm || D'eon [You're Mother was a Hampster and Your Father Smelt of Elderberries]

Oct 13, 2010 22:22

[D’eon groggily sat up, an odd beeping noise ringing incessantly in his ears and a strange hunger in his gut. He brings a hand to his head and looks about the room. Odd, he didn’t recall sleeping in an inn this eve. And where were his comrades? Perhaps Lia had taken over once more during a fight? D’eon looked down, he didn’t appear to be ( Read more... )

comment: wallace wells, d'eon, plot: i vant to suck your blood

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Comments 55

[In Person] suck_it_up_guy October 14 2010, 15:31:32 UTC
[Wallace had just been making his way to the games room, like ususal when he was met with a very attractive looking blonde man. Though he had a sword drawn.]

Whoa, you're gonna poke someone's eye out like that dude.


[In Person] gender_at_will October 14 2010, 15:53:40 UTC
[D'eon turns to face the voice, which belonged to the most bizarrely dressed man he had ever seen. He lowered his sword, but didn't sheath it, and of course he bowed politely in greeting]

Excuse me Sir, could you kindly direct me to the exit? I seem to have become separated from my comrades, and it is imperative that I find them.


[In Person] suck_it_up_guy October 14 2010, 16:09:36 UTC
[The same could have been said of D'eon. Wallace was about to comment about there not being a costume party around here until he heard him talk.]

Uh...I'm sorry but there's no way to leave this place, as far as I know anyways. We've been taken here by a girl known as the Author. If I knew I'd tell you.


[In person] gender_at_will October 14 2010, 16:24:43 UTC
N-no way to leave? The Author? So I've been kidnapped? This is terrible!

[Oh and he's having a little freak out right now]


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