Character Names: Mary Winchester, Hayato Gokudera
When: 12/16
Where: NEW YORK!
Summary: Dera needs advice. Why not from one of the mom figures?
Rating: PG-13...ish
Warnings: Gokudera's mouth...Yeah, that about covers it.
Small town girl in the big city )
Comments 43
Eventually he made his way into the bistro- not so much to eat as to warm up. Being from Sicily meant that he did not like the cold. At all. Sure, he had been in Japan for a while and had a bit more tolerance for it... but his nose hadn't stopped running since he woke up this morning and everything was just damn COLD as he spent his morning window shopping. So, he wandered in, bundled up in his several layers of clothes, rubbing his face to try and warm it up.
Standing up slightly, she waved her hand to get his attention. "Hayato!" Meaning, get your brat ass over here, I'll be happy to even talk to you. "Fancy seeing you here.
Sitting back down once she was sure that she'd been seen, she pulled a spare menu out and set in in front of the chair across from her. She may have grabbed an extra one hoping to find someone she knew~.
Oh. Her.
Well it could be worse. He looked around to see if there was anyone else familiar around that he could either A) avoid, or B) find a way to ignore Mary in favor of someone else. Finding neither and let out a sigh and made his way over, plopping down across from her. Lucky for her he was still in a pretty good mood from his date, despite feeling like his nuts had just about frozen off.
There was... a few things he wanted to ask anyway.
"I was just cold." Because he doesn't want to be associated with a place an old lady like you would go. Might damage his cool image. Still, he bites back his snark for now... he needed to TRY to be civil. He needed to attempt to hold a conversation if he was going to bring... that up. "What about you?"
Oh god, that was almost painful. He didn't give a shit why was there (and his tone REALLY didn't hide that fact well). It's a ( ... )
Smiling faintly, she just shrugged and pulled her gloves off to set beside her. "I'm not used to such a big city, I had to get somewhere not so crowded." She didn't care who knew. She was a small town girl and she would probably be that way until she died.
"If you're hungry, go ahead and order something. At the least, it'll keep you from having to go back out in the cold for a while longer."
Hell, she knew she'd be ordering something. Her only other real option was either room service or buying a dress to eat in one of the nicer restaurants...which she'd do later anyway, just not tonight.
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