Character Names: Zarbon (
Beautiful_Brute) and Kuja (
When: Backdated to before Zarbon's collaring and immediately following
this post.
Location: The Lake
Summary: Kuja and Zarbon do battle! Who will win? Kuja
Ratings: There will be violence, but I assume nothing SUPER graphic? PG? PG-13?
Warnings: Violence and all that goes with it.
'...And it's coming with me!' )
Comments 27
He spotted Zarbon across the lake and smirked to himself, the fool wouldn't know what had hit him. Just the same as he'd done to Piccolo.
"I'm surprised you had the gaul to rear your head."
But if that was the case, it didn't bode well.
He swallowed hard and turned to look across the lake at his would-be opponent. He didn't know how to take the power reading, but he couldn't say nothing, could he? Was it too late to abstain and make a hasty retreat?
"Is that so?" was all he could think of for the time being.
"Yes, I would have thought you'd have taken my warning to heart." He then shrugs and sighs melodramatically, continuing his approach on foot. "I suppose you shall just have to learn the hard way, shalln't you?"
The build up was all for the dramatic effect that Kuja craved within life. it had to be exciting, give him that rush of knowing he was the best, otherwise what else did he have?
Upon reaching Zarbon, he looked up, not as much as he had to with Piccolo, but it still caused a minor level of discomfort.
"You really are just as disappointing in the flesh."
He chose his next actions cautiously, trying to seem as non-nonchalant in his mannerisms as he could. No, he couldn't make it obvious he was capitulating before the fight had even begun, but at the same time, he knew he couldn't be too aggressive. He smiled, coolly.
"The same could be said of you," The tone, however, he kept somewhere in a lighthearted realm, lest it come off as too blatantly insulting. "Do you always make your entries like that?"
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