Its beginning to look a lot like Christmas || Chapter 2 || [Action]

Dec 13, 2011 09:48

[When Castle wakes up he's immediately aware that the sheets on the bed are a bit more luxurious than he's grown used to. Not to say that his sheets aren't nice, these are just...strangely more crisp, and the blanket is much more cozy. He does recognize the room, but it's not his room at the Manor, he sits up and glances around. Its one of many hotel rooms he's spent time in over the years back home.

HOME! That's all that registers. They're home! Immediately, he grabs his Blackberry and calls Beckett.]

[Voice || Private to Kate Beckett]

Beckett! get over here. RIGHT NOW..

[He's excited, perhaps too excited. He isn't even thinking about how he might sound on the comm right now.]

Kate, I need you in my room...Get.Over.Here.

[He doesn't want to detail exactly why, because he could be wrong. It might not be the right time or even New York, but he's almost certain it is. They need to see if they can get out and get Home.]

[/end Private]

[He's up wandering around his room as he dresses and talks to Beckett, finally he grabs his coat, his scarf. He spots the cutely decorated note card sitting on the dresser next to his coat, but pays it no mind in his hurry to get out of the building.

Not that it matters much anyway the name Alessa means next to nothing to him. He pulls open his door, and steps out into the hall at this point his impatience is clear.]

Come on! You are taking too long.. I don't know how much time we have.

[This would be Richard Castle, complete disregard for anyone else who might be sleeping. He stuffs his hands in his pockets to suppress the urge to knock obnoxiously on her door, and is surprised to find the note card is now in his pocket. Castle's eyes narrow a bit, if that isn't the first clue that they aren't home, he's not sure what is.

Never mind, he doesn't have time to worry about the little things, his immediate thought is that the 'magic' will only effect them as long as they're in the building, he needs to get Beckett and they need to get out of here.

Castle whistles Frosty the Snowman quietly to himself while he paces back and forth in the hallway outside of Beckett's and his doors.]

comment: john egbert, plot: new york, richard castle

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