Well the good news is a day of rest, elevation and NSAIDs has done my knees the world of good. My right hip still isn't talking to me but I'm getting quite adept at simply ignoring it. I was hoping to have been able to get out in the garden today - even if not up to mowing - but no, being a bank holiday, it's naturally pissing it down
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Comments 9
Ummm, there is a great story about how Dinozzo came to join the team, starts with him being a cop In Philly and he and Gibbs are on the same case... I want to say a serial killer of children? Can't remember the name off the top of my head but I loved it. If you haven't read it yet, remind me and I'll find it for you when I get back from work tonight, I'm gonna be late if I don't get my butt moving.
*stares at the pretteh some more*
The one I mentioned in my comment earlier is Rictus and you can find it here http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2404010/1/Rictus Awesome Gen story about how Gibbs and Dinozzo first meet when Tony is working for the Baltimore PD.
I used to have a few more I liked but can't find them right now... if I find any others I'll shoot them your way :)
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