Title: Devil's Touch
Author: Cassie Morgan (
Fandom: RPS - ITBN
Categories: Christian Kane/Steve Carlson, Horror, AU, PWP
Rating: R
Thanks to: You, for reading.
bellasianna as ever, for the beta, handholding, and encouragement
Disclaimer: Steve Carlson & Christian Kane are real people, and the events in this story are just that - fictional, figments of my sick and twisted imagination. Hell, call it a fantasy if it makes you feel better. Whatever. No rumours should be started in regards to any events in these works of fiction. This story is written purely for entertainment purposes and no money is being made out of it. about which)’
Summary: His lover is a vampire...
His lover is a vampire. A real vampire. Not a fictional one like Angel or Spike or Darla or Drusilla. Or Lestat or Louis or Armand. Or Dracula. And not a wannabe vampire either; a Whedon or Rice fanboy with plastic fangs. Oh no, Steve is most definitely a real vampire.
A real, warm (just fed, his mind automatically supplied), heavy, horny vampire, pressing him face-down on the bed. Humping him. Fangs grazing his throat, tongue lapping at his pulse point, not biting him - not until he gives permission. Just tasting him; Steve loves his taste - blood and otherwise. Grinning against his skin as he whimpers and arches up, rolling his head, granting better access to his neck. Hand circling his cock, knee nudging his thighs apart, pulling him to his knees, fangs sinking in as Steve buries his cock in one swift thrust making him cry out in both pain and pleasure. Fucking him hard and fast, pumping his cock until he's gasping and panting out his orgasm, coating the hand with come, trembling as he slumps forward, spent.
His lover is a vampire. And maybe, just maybe, this scares the shit out of Christian.
~El Fin~