Title: Time...
Author: Cassie Morgan (
Fandom: RPS - ITBN
Categories: Christian Kane/Steve Carlson, Domestic fluff
Rating: R
Thanks to: You, for reading.
bellasianna as ever, for the beta, handholding, hair straightening and encouragement.
spazzer_mctwich and
havenward for answering all Americanism questions I had
Disclaimer: Steve Carlson and Christian Kane are real people, and the events in this story are just that - fictional, figments of my sick and twisted imagination. Hell, call it a fantasy if it makes you feel better. Whatever. No rumours should be started in regards to any events in these works of fiction. This story is written purely for entertainment purposes and no money is being made out of it.
Summary: They settle down with their breakfasts; Steve's feet in Christian's lap, watching early morning cartoons, solving the crossword or suduko in yesterday's newspaper
Now, you guys know I'm not the kind of llama who toots her own horn.
But you know what?
This time I'm going to.
I love this fic. I am STUPIDLY proud of how well it's come out. And I honestly think this could be one of the best pieces I've written!
They always set the alarm an hour earlier than they need to - that way, no matter what happens during the day, no matter what they’re both doing and no matter how early that extra hour meant they had to wake, they get to spend at least one hour a day together
Sometimes they make love: slow and gentle, almost lazily; Steve on his back, Christian pressed flush against him, mouthing kisses to his neck and throat as they rock against each other. Steve’s own hand curled around his cock, stroking himself till he comes with a soft cry, Christian panting his own release into Steve’s ear.
Sometimes they fuck: hard, fast and desperate; Christian on his hands and knees, Steve gripping his hips hard enough to bruise, grunting as he slams into Christian. And Christian growling Steve’s name as he rocks back, his hands fisted in the sheets, until they’re both coming hard before collapsing down onto the bed.
Sometimes they make out: like teenagers, hot and heavy, Christian laying on top of Steve, pressing him down on the bed, one hand cupping his cheek as he kisses him. Steve with one hand tangled in Christian's hair. Both of them jerking the other off, moaning into each other's mouths as the stroke themselves to orgasm
Sometimes they cuddle (though Christian will never admit it): Steve rolling over, spooning Christian from behind, one arm snaked tightly around his waist, pulling him close against his chest. Christian sighs, relaxes back against Steve and they lay there, silent, breathing.
Sometimes that arm Steve has around Christian's waist slides down, fingers circling his cock until Christian's rocking against him; Steve's cock slipping between his thighs.
Sometimes they talk: intimate and honest; Christian enthusing about a stunt he's getting to do that day, Steve brainstorming a song, a melody, lyrics, inspiration.
Sometimes they just shoot the breeze: reminiscing over past tours; plans for the future, holidays they want to go on; a book Steve's just read or the movie Christian saw last week; stories from Jensen in Vancouver, from Jason or Riley in England; nothing, anything and everything that comes to mind
Sometimes they even get out of bed: Effortlessly, fluidly, working together like a well oiled machine; Christian scrambling eggs and popping bread in the toaster, Steve frying bacon and working the coffee machine. They settle down with their breakfasts, Steve's feet in Christian's lap, watching early morning cartoons, solving the crossword or suduko in yesterday's newspaper
Sometimes, especially if Christian's got an early call, waking up that hour early can be a total bitch.
Especially if Steve had a show the night before.
And sometimes, that hour is a moot point and neither of them get any sleep... well at least until Christian's been picked up and Steve fully intends on getting up, only he rolls over and falls asleep - but he always makes it up to Christian, letting him nap on the couch while he makes dinner that evening.
The one thing that's definite though, no matter how they spend that hour, is that it's always worth it - that one hour every morning spent together, with each other, simply, just being Chrisandsteve before they have to leave the house and face the world: Christian Kane and Steve Carlson
~El Fin~