The Saturday Wibble-A-Thon

Jul 05, 2008 09:19

So, I finally got to sleep about 2am - it was basically a case of I physically couldn't keep my eyes open any longer and sheer exhaustion took over. Overnight my lower back has relaxed but still all down my right side is so sore *pouts* My hip isn't so painful but my knee is nicely swollen ( Read more... )

christian kane, joel madden, emily deschanel, eric millegan, jensen ackles, the saturday wibble-a-thon, tia carrere, books, david boreanaz, health, riley smith, internet, benji madden, lauren ambrose, sophia bush, jared padalecki, good charlotte

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Comments 16

mikeyrhcp July 5 2008, 09:26:42 UTC
Hope you're gonna feel better soon *hugs*

I vote for... Steve!!


elvenpirate July 5 2008, 10:36:26 UTC
poor you :(

but you posted the cutest Benji/twins pics ever ♥

Um um based on that, I have to vote for the twinses please.


honeyjojames July 5 2008, 10:58:04 UTC
*hugs* Hope you feel better soon! *sends Nurofen*


losermkx July 5 2008, 11:17:14 UTC
Awwwwww, poor Cassie! :[ *huggles and hands over Christian in a bow* :D

And I vote Eric Millegan! :D 'cause he's just adorkable. :]

Now excuse me as I drool over the Benjiness.


badfalcon July 5 2008, 11:29:06 UTC
ooh, hi Chris ♥
*unwraps her prezzie, then draws the privacy curtains*


masters_pet July 5 2008, 12:53:54 UTC
arggh wish I knew you had lolita - would have loved that book - and you could have come and perused my books in person lol!!


badfalcon July 5 2008, 13:13:25 UTC
I don't have it - it's one of the books I'm hoping to get.


masters_pet July 6 2008, 08:28:30 UTC
ah excellent - maybe when you're done with it we can organise a swap?
Unless it's one of those that you end up wanting to keep - then maybe we could do a mutual loan on something?


badfalcon July 6 2008, 08:37:31 UTC
sounds like a good plan :)


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