oh bugger

Jun 19, 2007 20:30

looking like the whole GC/Vegas thing could be a moot point... my credit cards are maxed out, they won't give me a higher limit and I'm failing at applying for any more... oh the joys of having a shitty credit rating ( Read more... )

eazy, concerts, life, the morning wibble, joel madden, good charlotte

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Comments 12

elvenpirate June 19 2007, 19:34:02 UTC
Not sure who's cuter... Eazy or Joel... it's seriously hard to choose!



tezzie13 June 19 2007, 20:10:50 UTC
I have to agree. Maybe it's because I'm a Benji girl? haha

omg icon <3!


elvenpirate June 19 2007, 20:13:22 UTC
You and me both. Benji = ♥

And thank you :D I love my icon too :D I have 3 pics with Paul, but this one's possibly my favourite. I love him.


tezzie13 June 19 2007, 20:18:27 UTC
Seriously. How anyone can prefer Joel is beyond me haha :P

Paul is awesome and pretty much the sweetest man ever.


shaykitten June 19 2007, 20:02:18 UTC
I'm sorry Vegas isn't working out for you. but that's an adorable picture of Joel


ohrlynow June 20 2007, 02:32:36 UTC
*cries* JennJenn is sad to read this, but I totally understand. I'd love to have seen you in Vegas and I know GC would have been too. *nods* Well, we've got the next UK tour to look forward to later this year, cause I'm coming. It's already been worked out. Woo Hoo!


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