The Double Wibble

Jun 17, 2007 11:06

Today's wibble post consists of both today's and yesterday's wibbles... since I couldn't post one yesterday cos Chel & I were up in Blackpool for her birthday being the biggest kids on the block!

So, a belated:

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the morning wibble, birthday, ultragrrrl, josh madden, chel

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Comments 4

elvenpirate June 17 2007, 12:28:09 UTC
KITTY! I loves today's wibble... the Josh one! :D

Is fic written yet? huh? huh?

Coz yum! :D


bellasianna June 17 2007, 14:52:22 UTC
Awwwwwwww.......... yes she is beautiful :)

I hope she won't mind though... Kitty is wibblesome :)


elvenpirate June 17 2007, 22:12:11 UTC
Yep, Kitty is definitely wibblesome! ♥


jade_rachel June 17 2007, 17:59:57 UTC
Yes, Chel is beautiful. and belated happy birthday to her.


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