The New Years Day Wibble-A-Thon

Jan 01, 2016 09:49

I don't know about New Year's Resolutions but my plans for 2016 include:
Be healthier - Eat better. Stop going to the vending machine and eating chocolate. Stop ordering pizza. Cook.
Keep taking my meds - Every. Damn. Day.
Try and be more positive - Emphasis right now on try
Read 75 books. - I read 71 in 2015 so that shouldn't be too much of a ( Read more... )

christian kane, joe flanigan, elizabeth olsen, michael shanks, paul bain, the new years day wibble-a-thon, jenn bostic, lexa doig, ioan gruffud, richard dean anderson, house, taylor kitsch, ben browder, lindy booth, animals, health, jason momoa, life, amanda tapping, michael grant terry

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Comments 2

theron09 January 1 2016, 11:23:21 UTC
I think those all sounds like good plans!

I hope that 2016 is kind to you *hugs*


miwahni January 1 2016, 14:12:23 UTC
All good plans for the new year.

That photo of Daniel and Jack, five up from the bottom... did they really stand that close? Really? God the slash just writes itself, doesn't it. *g*


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