The Morning Wibble

Sep 16, 2013 07:39

You know those problems I've been having with Stevie the last week? She's now back at the shop being repaired. Apparently, it's going to take two weeks and they can't guarantee saving all/any of my files - and you know what's on her? All my music and all the episodes of TV shows that I've yet to watch. I has a sad ( Read more... )

jake abel, tv, famke janssen, the morning wibble, computer

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Comments 2

davidbrider September 16 2013, 09:42:31 UTC know what's on her? All my music and all the episodes of TV shows that I've yet to watch. I has a sad.

Ouch. With any luck, "can't guarantee to save your files" is just repair shop language for "protecting our butts just in case we don't manage to save your files", but yeah, that's worrying.

I've never seen Castle, but have always been kind of curious because, Nathan Fillion, yay! Noticed at the weekend that Netflix (which is my new addiction) has large chunks of it. That and White Collar. I suspect this may signal the end of any kind of life I once pretended to have...

Also, am adoring your Tim Hutton user pic. (I take it that's him as Nate Ford?)


badfalcon September 16 2013, 12:11:59 UTC
My fingers are crossed they might be able to save them but if they don't.. well the shows can be redownloaded (my WATCHED is on my external HDD so I know where I've got to) and my music can be re-reripped but ugh, annoying.

And I was about to start SG1 S3 which I don't think is on netflix OR lovefilm!

Castle and White Collar are love. Netflix streaming through my Wii is saving my ass right now, it really is. Current plan for this week is to at least finish S2 of Castle. My poor TV has never been used so much!


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