You and me can turn a whisper to a scream

Oct 08, 2012 21:47

I was supposed to have been busy interviewing up north on Friday but due to the cold from hell, coughing up a lung and mostly because I had no voice, I had to cancel :( One has agreed to reschedule for when I'm feeling better and I'm hoping to be back up there around the 19th so will ring them in a few days to see if that's a good day or if its too ( Read more... )

house, love, interview, work, health, weasel, life, friends, depression

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Comments 1

jesco0307 October 8 2012, 21:06:29 UTC
Boo for the cold and having to cancel interviews, but yay for a weekend with weaselett and house hunting. And duh for that one question - because you're awesome, wonderful, amazing and absolutely snugly? No really, that's a no brainer.

Oh, cold and flu season. Blergh. I hope it stays away. Do. Not. Want.


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