Hello, I'm an incredibly random post that hops from subject to subject without notice.

Sep 11, 2010 19:44

Today has been a lovely relaxed Saturday. It started off talking to a beautiful young lady, then continued with a long soak in the bath with a book. Have I mentioned lately how much I freaking love that bath ( Read more... )

christian kane, tv, supernatural, dragon, white collar, convention, house, twitter, ebay, dreams, family, steve carlson, fanfiction, life, how many tags can i get on one post?, fandom, friends

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Comments 7

shanachie_quill September 11 2010, 18:56:21 UTC
*flails at you about Covert Affairs 107* Duuude. I need a reaction to that one. That pretty much cemented my love for Auggie.

Glad you're settling in *hugs you*


badfalcon September 11 2010, 22:21:29 UTC


shanachie_quill September 11 2010, 22:34:25 UTC
I know right?! Want fic links? I did a Losers/CA crossover and a het leaning fic to comfort Auggie at the end of the eppi because I didn't like the way it ended.


elebridith September 11 2010, 22:02:15 UTC
You're not alone, I checked Twitter like whoa too. And was really relieved.

Did starfury say if you can go only to the concert if you have a Con ticket? And mmm, Chris/Steve sandwich...


badfalcon September 11 2010, 22:21:00 UTC
No, its part of the con, on the Saturday night


elebridith September 11 2010, 22:26:42 UTC
*sigh* *hopes for an outside gig*


honeyjojames September 12 2010, 00:03:33 UTC
Oh you're not the only one who was totally stressed out about stupid men racing cars! Bloody hell, I was checking twitter all night! Silly boys!

Awesome you'll be getting a Steve/Chris sandwich pic though! *wibbles at the thought*

Glad the new place is starting to feel like home! And yay for a beautiful lady in your life! *smishes you*


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